Mar 6, 2024

 Retrograde performance of Some Tamils in the North of Sri Lanka


By Engr. Kanthar Balanathan

DipEE (UK), GradCert (RelEng-Monash), DipBus&Adm (Finance-Massey), C.Eng., MIEE,

Former Director of Power Engineering Solutions Pty Ltd, Consulting Electrical Engineers

Leading Engineer of the World 2006, UK, Authority Award


It's demoralising and depressing to note the retrograde behaviour of the members at the Northern University who were supposed to have organised the Muttaveli musical concert as stated in the video given below.

It appears that some Tamils do not understand the framework of Democracy. It can be concluded that anti-democracy is a Human Rights Violation.

Ref: Quote from the book by Kanthar Balanathan: SRILANKA SOVEREIGNTY DEMOCRACY, & TERRORISM, ISBN-13-978-0-646-94127-1 

The US Department of State's definition of “Principles of Democracy” is Majority Rule, Minority Rights. US INFO Publications outlines the following as elements of the Principles of Democracy:  


The term “Democracy” means “rule, of the people, by the people, for the people”.  This means that citizens of a democracy govern their nation. The fundamental purpose(s) for which people institute a democratic government is the protection of people’s rights and, the promotion of their rights, welfare, and interests. Every citizen has the right to partake in the related political community’s government. Democracy encircles the number of structural elements in the framework. 

1.     Majority Rule, Minority Rights   

2.     Civil-Military Relations   

3.     Political Parties   

4.     Citizen Responsibilities   

5.     A Free Press   

6.     Federalism   

7.     Rule of Law   

8.     Human Rights   

9.     Executive Power   

10.  Legislative Power   

11.  An Independent Judiciary   

12.  Constitutionalism  

13.  Freedom of Speech   

14.  Government Accountability   

15.  Free and Fair elections   

16.  Freedom of Religion   

17.  The Rights of Women and Girls   

18.  Governing by Coalitions and Compromise   

19.  The role of non-governmental Organizations   

20.  Education and Democracy  

Quote: “Perception is an active mental act. It is a dynamic, dialectical conflict between the self-perspective transformation and external vectors of power bearing upon us. That which we perceive is a balance between these antagonists”. (Ref: Understanding Conflict and War: vol. 1: the dynamic psychological field, chapter 11, by R.J. Rummel)  

Humans perceive different effects about the same state, as perceptions vary from person to person. People assign different meanings to what they perceive. (Quote: Kanthar Balanathan)  

Although all human males are born with ≈1.5 kg of brain, not all perceive the same thing in the same perspective, the same way.

It can be concluded by the act of throwing some dirty judgment against KS Shanker’s and other young ones’ videos about Indran Pathmanathan's incidents at Muttaveli, Jaffna, is totally against democracy and that the people who commented against KS Shanker’s video projection are clueless about media rights.

The Northern University members who planned the program in the North of Sri Lanka should carry out a psychological analysis and profiling of the Consultant and whether he/she is capable of executing his/her functions up to completion of his/her task. When recruiting academics, professionals and staff the Universities and Technical Colleges should be competent to recruit staff fit for such functions and duties. Without the capability as stated above, can the University produce competent graduates?

The organisers initially stated that the program is free for the citizens in SL, however, later stated that they have to buy tickets. This was a high-handed undemocratic and immoral act. The whole program was like that of animal behaviour in the jungle. The following are questions to the organisers.

1.     Was the Income Tax department informed that the program will be run with the purchase of tickets?

2.     Was the Jaffna Municipal Council advised of ticketing?

3.     Were the people informed of any copyright violations before the program? Ie No videos or photographs.

4.     Did the organisers carry out a risk assessment? After all, you are administering a university and Indrakumar Pathmanathan is the Chairman. How do you expect to produce quality competent student output if you are not sure of what you do?

5.     Was the program properly planned and organised?

6.     Did the Indian money-earning people pay taxes to the SL government?

7.     Did Thamanna pay tax for her income of Rs 30,000 per person who wanted to take photographs?

8.     Did you provide a program schedule to the Government of SL?

9.     By law, are the private security staff allowed to manhandle Sri Lankan citizens?

10.  Did the country earn foreign exchange from this concert?

How do you expect to operate a university if you are possibly not knowledgeable and competent?

KS Shanker projected the truth impartially and morally by the “principles of Democracy”.

The organiser's thoughts were to accrue funds and the program was an indirect marketing campaign. The organisers should not have underestimated the perception and competence of the Tamils in the North just because they are rich and have some political connections, if any.

YouTube is an active true route of practising “Democracy” and bringing out truth to society as a medium. There is a minor possibility that people with power can hide truths.

What the Youtubers have done is a CORRECT and justifiable act to bring out the TRUTH to maintain Human Rights. It is hoped that these undemocratic people who complained shall withdraw their (strike) complaint against KS Shanker and others.

The writer has already published as following:

[Well, the writer's assessment and views are given below. No one can blame the Jaffna Tamils as they are well-cultured and well-behaved citizens except the politicians and some rowdy mentality people from outside Jaffna Town. The writer would blame the following in order of preference.

1.      Indra Kumar Pathmanathan crowd who organised the event. There are several mistakes, inaccuracies, muddles, errors and misleading (lies) promises given by Pathmanathan. He (Pathmanathan) should have completed a proper risk assessment and organisational chart, and a report prepared and submitted to the Police Chief (Northern Division for a licence. KS Shanker has given a proper full analysis of where the organisers slipped up by telling lies.

2.      The Police should have completed a full risk assessment and provided full security support. The private security hired by Pathmanathan had no power to assault the civilians. Assume, they were there only to support orderly incoming and outgoing. The Police would have taken care of the law and order as they are the Law Enforcement Officers as per the Sri Lankan Constitution.

3.      The people: People should behave in a gathering while respecting others and maintaining law and order. Young ones on the roof, trees and electrical poles are not accepted and bring shame to the entire Jaffna people as the badly behaved ones may not be from Jaffna, maybe from islands and other districts. Hundreds of thousands of Rs worth of public assets were damaged and destroyed. Their act brought shame to the entire peace-loving Jaffna people.]

Universities in Sri Lanka and the world should carry out a psychological analysis and profiling of the staff whether he/she is capable of executing his/her functions. When recruiting academics and professionals the Universities and Technical Colleges should be competent to recruit staff fit for such functions and duties. When appointing staff to organise programs, the Board should check whether the persons are competent.



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