Apr 26, 2023


Protect the Political and Economic Disintegration

of Sri Lanka as a Nation/Republic

By Engr. Kanthar Balanathan

DipEE (UK), GradCert (RelEng-Monash), DipBus&Adm (Finance-Massey), C.Eng., MIEE, 

Former Director of Power Engineering Solutions Pty Ltd, Consulting Electrical Engineers

Leading Engineer of the World 2006, UK, Authority Award


1.    Tamils Disunity


Tamils failed in their policies and actions right from 1833 when the three kingdoms were merged as Ceylon. Sequentially Tamils failed in their actions due to a shortfall in the perception and the degree of hatred among them, including the inborn caste consciousness. The Ramanathan Arunachalam so-called virtual royals failed in their goal, vision, and mission. From 1833 to 1948 about 115 years these fools did not have the perception to plan their goal. From 1948 to 2023 for the last 75 years, the Tamil elites and the imprudent elite politicians did not have a plan to achieve their goal, because they did not have a goal. They were conducting theoretical politics among the Tamils. Arunachalam died on 9/1/24 and Ramanathan died on 26/11/30. These two created a division among the Tamils.


Early days Failure. SJVC, Ramanathan Failed. Whose fault is this due to


2.    VVT Smugglers group


Then came the smugglers from Valvettiturai (VVT). They tried to brainwash the Tamils in the name of Tamil Eelam followed by SJVC. They were driven by Amirthalingham and the Federal Party. They cheated India and failed in their struggle. Para-LTTE Tamils in foreign countries earned their share and bought supermarkets, and shopping complexes, conference halls, and made their assets. Therefore, virtually the whole lot of Tamils are culprits and thieves. Therefore, the second lot thieves (LTTE) failed in their struggle for victory because of their lack of knowledge and disobedience. Prabakaran, as considered is not a wise person, except a killer and a rowdy. He did have a goal with no plan which led him to failure.


LTTE Failed. Whose fault is this due to


3.    Provincial Council


Then came the Provincial Councils. Some illogical and capricious guys were selected to be the PC Councillors. One Minister allowed the dumping of human waste and hospital waste in Kallundai. He claimed that he had a Diploma in Environmental science from India which is questionable. The wastes were not buried but dumped as an overlay in Kallundai. This guy may not know the difference between Nox and Sox and CH4. Chief Minister was not knowledgeable in Politics but wears Thiruneeru on his forehead to show that he is religious. He did not know or understand to mature in politics. All four ministers were clueless and fraudulent, and the writer has evidence. The CM returned the budgetary funds allocated to NPC which is foolish. No development was done. Tamil Diaspora was not interested in developing the North but shouted for TE. The truth is that the elites select only from the upper caste to be politicians. The caste system was detrimental to the progress of the Tamils. How will a Council progress when they select a foolish woman like Ananthi Sasitharan as a fraudulent minister? Those elected for the NPC engaged in marketing themselves for the next election but did not plan their activities for the duration of the life of the council in developing the province. After getting the PC, Tamils were foolish enough not to take advantage of the allocation of power to start development. Tamil Diaspora was focused on benefits. Whereas the Councillors focussed on marketing them for the next election while enjoying the power allocated to them.


And, the Provincial councils failed. Whose fault is this due to


Tamils shall think about whether they need these elite fools to lead them.


4.    Hon. Douglas Devananda (DD)


Hon DD, although engaged in the struggle, had superior knowledge in politics, and struggles and was able to foresee events in the future.


Hon DD planned his vision and mission to serve the people. People shall understand this concept and mission and join Hon DD and travel along with Hon DD to achieve development and peace.


Hon DD did not engage in marketing himself by accepting garlands, wearing super suites etc. Hon DD wears a simple Veshti and Shirt like Kamarajar and Ghandhi. He sits with people to solve their problems. Hon DD is mature in planning for goals, developing vision and mission and taking it through to completion.


Quote from Web: Political Science is an art because its study relies on intuition and deductive reasoning to draw conclusions or make judgments on a given political phenomenon.


Hon DD believes in intuition and deductive reasoning to conclude. Tamils must think to whom they should fling their support. Religious postulants cannot achieve goals. Hon DD is Reliable, Flexible and has the required Expertise, combination of the three leads him to Capable politician.


5.    Conclusion


It is now fair to conclude that the previous politicians were not honest in politics for people but were focused on caste oppression and differentiation and played double politics with split personalities; one face in the North and a second face in Colombo. They had no conviction in delivering their obligation to the people. They have no far-sightedness to conclude how long their terrorism/opposition can last. Further, most of them are aged and are in their 80s. Maybe they are drawn into amnesia and oblivion. They shall be magnanimous to leave politics and allow the young ones from the University of Jaffna (UOJ) to enter the stream.


What the political environment needs is graduates from the UOJ and/or UOB who are honest and brilliant in politics, geography, human psychology, sociology, and history, to join the current force Hon DD, who has contributed to the Tamils vastly and establish a peace stream for human survival.


This appeal comes after addressing the 75 years of failure by our previous aged incompetent nincompoops who have destroyed our nation. The current economic environment in SL divulges that it is not a proper environment to conduct elections, as people are suffering and attempting suicide. Further, several levels of governance are detrimental to the economy of a small country like SL. The environment has been drawn into Unionism, racism socialism, leftism, and religious fundamentalism with slowing, breaking productivity. Unionism is taking control of the country which is damaging to the economy. The main cause for this is people’s awareness of the economy, finance, and the Central Bank Structure. Central Bank is the nerve centre of a country and people should know the events in CB. Productivity in SL has dropped, however, racism and religious fanatism have increased. Science will dictate that God is something to give peace of mind to the people, but not give money. Law corrects actions.

An increase in productivity will improve the GDP and then the economic status of the country. The elections for the PCs can then be conducted. As it is with the downfall of the economy, how do we propose to run the PCs and maintain the people happy?


Let the country be not foolish enough to have PC elections to have a second layer of governance which is detrimental to the economy. Having the local government elections when the GOSL parliament approves with intelligent thinking is acceptable.


Readers are requested to refer to the excellent research thesis by Priyantha W. Mudalige and Chaminda Abeysinghe.


Governance is different from administrative functions.




Hope the parliament will be wise enough to govern efficiently and elevate SL to be self-sufficient.


Let the Tamils prove that they can improve the economy and the GDP to a substantial level. Let the Tamils prove that the PCs will operate with reliable honest dedication. Let them prove that there will be no caste oppression and discrimination. Let the Tamils prove that SL can operate the PCs with the current economy.


With the current economy, it is not fair and reasonable to have the PC election and PC governance just for the 13% of the Ceylon Elite Tamils to enjoy power at the expense of the suffering of 74 % Sinhalese. It is not Humanism. Let the Tamil elites surf through history and the economy of SL. What have the elite contributed to SL? Billions of dollars’ worth damage and nothing else.

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