Apr 28, 2023

 Engr. Kanthar Balanathan

DipEE(UK), Grad.Cert.(Rel. Eng-Monash) DipBusAdm(Finance-Massey), C.Eng., MIEE

Retired Director & Specialist Engineer Power & Control Systems

Leading Engineer of the World 2006, UK Authority Award                                                  


                                                                                                                     Email:  pengsol@bigpond.net.au


4th January 2023

Hon Mr. Jeevan Thondaman MP

Minster for Water Supply


Colombo, Sri Lanka


Hon Minister,

I like to bring up some key points as you are the Minister for water supply services etc and we all know that Sri Lankans have a carefree attitude in all matters. Please read this letter fully. Let me introduce myself, please.

I am eighty years old and retired in Australia. I lived in various countries. My father was the OIC (Law enforcement officer) in Pundaloya in 1960. I lived as a child in Colombo, Kamburupitiya, Matara etc. When I come to Pundaloya on my college vacation I use to visit the tea estate and talk to the workers. It was disheartening to know their living style. They have only one meal a day which is Kanchi.  I am sending you a copy of the report about how they were brought to Ceylon. I hope you will read this report and enlighten your knowledge on the estate workers.

Tea estate workers are known as foreign exchange earners and hard-working people in SL. However, they have been treated like animals by the SL government and the Sri Lankan people.

I have appealed to politicians previously about their income etc, but in vain. Teachers from my village (Vaddukoddai) were in the Hill country teaching children in schools in the 50s. They also told me about the bad way the Upcountry Tamils were treated. Sri Lankan politicians only want the votes from the people, once they get elected with their votes, they forget the people. Politicians have an obligation to society which they do not observe and execute. Jaffna men are traitors and have no feelings for these workers. Now that you have several Ministers who have the power: why not use your empowerment to help these poor estate workers?

Recently I read that they use contaminated water. I have read through the research papers and found them correct. The process is that when research is done and the final paper is submitted, then the outcome shall be that the Minister shall execute the recommendations to keep the environment safe. However, when the research is completed, the person gets his PhD and gets a good salary and that's the end of the process. Everyone forgets the topic and the research outcome.

I am not blaming you but all the politicians are like that. They are proving that SL is an idiotic country which has no meaning to true safe living. Someone stole Rs. five million from the Central Bank Vault.


What is the problem with the water in Sri Lanka?


The primary problems concerning water resources in Sri Lanka are the depletion and degradation of the resource caused by various anthropogenic activities. Surface inland waters in urban areas are polluted heavily with domestic sewage and industrial effluents and in rural areas with agricultural runoff.


Abstract: Man-made pollution and environmental degradation pose a severe challenge to all Sri Lankans. The main water resource problems in Sri Lanka are due to various human activities such as agriculture, fossil fuel combustion, urbanization, and industrial and commercial activities.10 Jan 2022

The Causes of Water Pollution

  • Industrial Waste. Industries and industrial sites across the world are major contributors to water pollution. ...
  • Marine Dumping. ...
  • Sewage and Wastewater. ...
  • Oil Leaks and Spills. ...
  • Agriculture. ...
  • Global Warming. ...
  • Radioactive Waste


We all know that people dump anything into the river.

This is the link to the JayawardenaPura University research paper:

G.G.T. Chandrathilake

Department of Forestry and Environmental Science, University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Sri Lanka

Evaluation of drinking water supply schemes in estate sector: A case study on Telbedda estate, Sri Lanka
; G.G.T. Chandrathilake, B. de Silva

In the North, people build septic sewerage tanks to collect the sewerage. These pits are supposed to be more than 25 feet away from a well. However, people bribe the inspectors and get it approved with no understanding of the consequential damage the environment will do to them and their children. Some of the Insopectos were nick-named Mr. Twenty-five rupees.

This is how Sri Lanka manages and controls its environmental management. Ridiculous.

Mr Mano Ganesan is another politician who has no interest in his people. As far as he is elected he is okay, forgets the voters and aspires for a ministerial portfolio. Why not bring the issues to the parliament, please?

Jaffna politicians are useless and they all should go home. Young people like you should enter politics.

I lived in Pundaloya and know the system and the environment.


As a young politician and a Minister, please help those poor workers who earn foreign exchange for the country. I may take this up with an international appropriate authority on environmental and discrimination issues. I am a researcher on environmental, discrimination, oppression, and political issues.

Research procedures are not followed in Sri Lanka. I may be wrong if action has been taken.

Thanking you,


Yours Sincerely



Engr. Kanthar Balanathan


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