Apr 15, 2023

                                     Is Sri Lanka Driven to Another Jungle Burma

By Engr. Kanthar Balanathan

DipEE (UK), GradCert (RelEng-Monash), DipBus&Adm (Finance-Massey), C.Eng., MIEE, 

Former Director of Power Engineering Solutions Pty Ltd, Consulting Electrical Engineers

Leading Engineer of the World 2006, UK Authority Award

It seems that since the Sinhala rowdies plundered Tamils in the South is around 40 years and currently their resources have dried out. The military and the fanatics may be instigating another racial violence so that they can steal another round-up of assets, money, and Gold from Tamils in the South. This is cheating as SL has become a beggar. Some illiterate army soldiers wear Buddhist clergy robes with arms and terrorise Muslim civilians in the East.

It may be also possible that the army rowdies wear Buddhist clergy robes, carry revolvers, and threaten Muslims and Tamils in the North to place Buddha statues. These Buddhist clergy should be exported to Burma or China. Buddha was a born Hindu in the Shakniya community who were pure Hindus worshipping Lord Shiva. Buddha, because of pure jealousy against Sanskrit preached Pali or some language and his belief was exported out of India.

A civilised educated race will purchase lands in the North to settle rather than the government and army terrorise to settle Sinhala rowdies by force.

Most of the acts by the Sinhala rowdies indicate that they suffer from psychiatric issues.

1.     Change names of places to pure Sinhala only like Nagadeepa etc.

2.     Remove Tamil scripts from name Boards.

3.     By forcing Sinhala rowdies to settle in Tamil areas rather than purchase from the owners.

4.     Steel fifty lakhs from the Central Bank which is a pure act by thieves.

5.     Plant Buddha statues all over the North, the place does not own by the Sinhala rowdies.

6.     One fool in Colombo says that Sri Lanka did not preach Hinduism at all at any time. This guy is an illiterate who claims he studied at Royal College but did not get through (O) level but has money stolen from the Tamils by his parents. He used to claim Ravenna is a Sinhalese, while history claims Ravenna is a Tamil who worshipped Lord Siva. GOSL is keen to change everything to Sinhala origin.

7.     The 2021 year taught SL a lesson by making them go bankrupt by the politicians. If they do not correct themselves and become a civilised race, then IMF may not give loans to uncivilised lots who practice jungle power. SL need to be more cautious in their practice to change to a civilised race.

8.     Still, politicians practice bribery and corruption.

9.     Settle rowdies in the North by force.  Civilized races will purchase land from the Tamils who own in the north to settle the rowdies. Why not make a smooth transition? Why do they make everything impulsive like the former FOOL SWRDB?

With the country gone bankrupt and living on loans, do the people have no brain to think that they are on loans like beggars driving super deluxe cars?

Let us be realistic and believe what Buddha said. Peace rather than violence. However, think that the countries that preach Buddhism, the country is more violent. Like Burma, China, SL etc.

If any more racial riots breakout, then the consequence would be catastrophic.

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