Mar 9, 2023


The obligation of Politicians to the Society

By Engr. Kanthar Balanathan

DipEE (UK), GradCert (RelEng-Monash), DipBus&Adm (Finance-Massey), C.Eng., MIEE, 

Former Director of Power Engineering Solutions Pty Ltd, Consulting Electrical Engineers


1.     Politics


The goal of human understanding is to enhance knowledge in political science to execute political action(s) to develop tools for a political meaningful phenomenon. Politics in governance is a science by which a country is governed to achieve effective and efficient order in economics, finance, defence, and resources.


Politics is a way in which people collectively make decisions so that they can live together in countries.

The basic type of political ideology is Democracy, Communism, and Socialism, however, a part of humanism should be incorporated into every ideology to be effective.


To be effective and operative the political behaviour shall include political skill, internal control, high investment, and expectations of success.


The different political parties shall be competent and competitive to provide the community’s requirements and shall not be eager for power and individual wealth accumulation. In Sri Lanka, politicians are eager for power and wealth. The parties concentrate on the disgraceful demise of the party in power so that they can conquer power.


2.     Prerequisites for politicians


The author’s view is that the Politicians to contest elections and enter parliament must have the following:


·      Not involved in bribery & Corruption

·      Must have a degree or recognised equivalent qualification in an appropriate discipline.

·      To consider a cabinet portfolio, either a post-graduate qualification or a mixed degree (Arts & Science).

·      For a state minister or Deputy Minister; a degree.

·      These people should be able to deliver from the appreciation of their academic training and the subsequent training and experience positive products suitable to the citizens.


If SL wants to be listed as a third-world or a bush country, then the Election Commission can choose to accept any bush qualification and illiterates. SL does not need any more people like Dahanayake, Alidong Sirisena, or Mervin Silva.


We need are people like RW, GL Peris, Kanchana Wijesekera, CV Wigneswaran, Harsha de Silva etc.

They shall limit their racial talks but think reliably about economics, finance, and technology for the economic growth of SL.


3.     Demonstrated Knowledge, Ability and Personal Attributes


The MPs, Ministers and State Ministers shall have demonstrated knowledge to direct and manage following:


Strategic Management, Asset Operations, Financial management, HR management,


4.     Ability


The investigation, Communication, Budgetary Control and Teamwork.


5.     Personal Attributes


Flexibility, Innovative, Creative, Methodical, Initiative, Leadership, Decisive, Analytical skills and Self- Disciplined.


Just because the people are in the parliament, they shall not be people with no Attributes, Abilities and Demonstrated Knowledge. After all, they are the people who are governing the country and shall have some credible qualifications and experience. There are highly qualified engineers, doctors, and scientists depending on the parliamentarians. The top scientists shall not depend on donkeys who are not qualified and become ministers.


6.     Financial Situation


It is speculated in the media that SL has been approved for a loan with China being the guarantor. That’s good news for the people of SL but not for the cabinet ministers.


The issue in SL is that when adequate FOREX is owned in the CB, the ministers and the president, order to buy of luxury motor vehicles for the ministers and state ministers. They also order luxury items and equipment, for their bungalows etc. If the parliament portfolios need luxury items then how about the people?


Recently today the author viewed a marketing advert for a luxury vehicle (superdeluxe).


What is required now is the items: food, technology and spare parts that are required for the people and the industry. Any deviation from this will warrant people be back on the streets quite soon. It is hoped that SL has learnt a lesson from the 2020 and 2021 incidents and hopes that the present government will not be another bunch of Rajapaksas.


For good Economic & Financial management, a good accounting system is a must. SL has a good effective and efficient Central Bank TEAM now headed by Dr. Nandalal Weerasinghe. (Free of the Rajapaksas)


7.     Obligation of Politicians to the Society


The obligation of a politician to his society is to deliver the requisites needed by the people, protect the borders, and make available the facilities required by the people to keep peace in the country and….. The different political parties shall be competent and competitive to provide the community’s requirements and shall not be eager for power and individual wealth accumulation. In Sri Lanka, politicians are eager for power and wealth. The parties concentrate on the disgraceful demise of the party in power so that they can conquer power.


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