Jan 5, 2023

 3rd January 2023

Open Letter to the President & THE Minister for 

Higher Education-

Generation of Foreign Income for Sri Lanka

Kanthar Balanathan Australia

DipEE(UK), Grad.Cert.(Rel. Eng-Monash) DipBusAdm(Finance-Massey), C.Eng., MIEE

Retired Director & Specialist Engineer Power & Control Systems



Goal of higher education?

Quote: Higher education is a rich cultural and scientific asset which enables personal development and promotes economic, technological, and social change.


There is a practical difference between Academics and Professionals. Academics stick to analysis and research and teaching. Professionals are trained academics who can teach,  design, build, maintain, and analyse faults on plant and equipment. Difference between triple integrals and partial discharges. Professionals are capable of teaching and research as they research into failures, modification, development, and have wider knowledge.


In this context, the writer would appreciate and give a higher percentage to the quality output of the unique University of Moratuwa. University of Moratuwa provides academic training and six months sandwiched practical training in the industry.


The writer has come across electrical and mechanical engineers who have come out of the University of Moratuwa. The engineers have been found to have the approach of researching into every aspect of the engineering circuits, plant, and equipment. The reason is that the first-degree students have a four-year theoretical training with a six-month practical training. It is considered this type of first-degree is far more superior to any other three/four-year academic training. The appreciation of the theoretical and practical training received thereafter makes them superior engineers.


It is proper to sustain this university and make it grow providing academic and practical training to not only Sri Lankans but foreign students also. Some countries lack in studies in quality engineering, and SL can provide such raining to the overseas students. A different fee should be fixed for foreign students. The academic training provided in the UK to overseas students is such type. However, the fee for overseas students should be much greater than locals in US dollars.


It is proper to open the UOM to foreign students from countries like, Bangladesh, Pakistan, South Pacific nations, Nations in Africa, Middle east, and developing/underdeveloped nations. Proper hostel accommodations shall be provided for these students. Why not even students from India may enter this University if opened.


UOM provides training in MSc, MEng, MPhil, PhD etc.


Let the Ministry of Higher Education give a thumbs up support for this avenue of provision of academic training thereby earning foreign exchange US dollars. Sri Lankan high Commissioners could work on this propaganda and marketing. Sri Lankan expatriates could give a helping hand.


There may be so many students who will study at the UOM if allowed.


May God help SriLanka in this project.

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