Jun 2, 2021


Open Letter to Gotabaya Rajapaksa, President of SriLanka



Nandesena Rajapaksa,


Your Vicious Brutal Behavioural pattern


General Statement

Nandesena Rajapaksa: “Behavioural Pattern inflicts upon leadership quality

This communication is intended to clear the xenophobic and racial fear that has encased the Sinhala mind for the last 2181 years of the Tamils that they will swallow the Sinhala community in Sri Lanka. With this fear, the Sinhala community and the Dutugamunu descendants and the said Yakkas in Robes claiming as Monks are either engaged in massacre, racial intimidation and murder using the state machinery in SL, who are supposed to be protecting the territory and not engage in a holocaust act of the civilians in 2009.

Anyone who proliferates that he/she is a Sinhala Buddhist can be categorised as a Fundamentalist. Maybe you are ignorant in the area of Democracy theory and practice. The author published a book, “SriLanka, Sovereignty, Democracy and Terrorism”, in 2015 and a copy was sent to the current PM Mr Mahinda Rajapaksa. Maybe you should borrow the book and read and understand the depth of democracy.

Just to get you onboard: The best head of states SriLanka had since independence are as follows:

1.      Dudley Senanayake                   Good                UNP    

2.      JR Jayawardhane                      Okay                UNP    

3.      R. Premadasa                            Okay                UNP

4.      Mahinda Rajapaksa                                                                         Acceptable           (UPFA)???          


The worst so far SriLanka had are as follows:

1.      Gotabaya Rajapaksa     Painful & Worst            SLPP

2.      SWRD Bandaranaike                 Worst               SLFP

3.      Srimavo Banda                         Worst               SLFP

4.      Maithripala Sirisena                  Worst               SLFP

5.      Chandrika Banda.                     Painful

You can understand where the worst leaders give birth. They all are from the leftist group. In the leftist ideology, mostly third world countries practice fundamentalism & racism.

In this case, you are a FUNDAMENTALIST and a racist. You seem to have lost knowledge of who voted you to power and whom you represent to govern. Sometimes you boast that you are here for all people, however, your inner mind manifests and sets on hardcore racism.

The theory formula that I apply in my life and practice is:

Reliability + Flexibility   + Expertise   =   Capability


Another statement by Balanathan: Quote: “Perception is an active mental act. It is a dynamic, a dialectical conflict between the self-perspective transformation and external vectors of power bearing upon us. That which we perceive is a balance between these antagonists”. (Ref: Understanding Conflict and War: vol. 1: the dynamic psychological field, chapter 11, by R.J. Rummel)  

Humans perceive different effects about the same state, as perceptions vary from person to person. People assign different meaning to what they perceive. Although all human males are born with ≈1.5 kg of brain, not all perceive the same thing in the same perspective, the same way. (Balanathan)

Hope I need not explain these criteria’s, if you do not understand then you are unfit to be the President, and maybe you can be listed under incompetent nincompoop group. Just about 17 months of enjoying power since the election, the people and the Diaspora have refereed you to be an incompetent nincompoop, fundamentalist, and racist. You should have been charged under “War Criminals” by the UNHRC for the murder of Child Soldiers. You seem to lose your temper and get excited about little things and not respect your colleagues. Basil Rajapaksa is a noted case quoted by Diaspora as Mr. 20%. (Commission & Bribe). It is speculated that your neuro system (Brain) has been pawned to Basil Rajapaksa. Basil commands you on political decisions and orders. It is also speculated that your (both) kickbacks are being sent to the USA, so that when you run to the USA, you guys (entire family) will have adequate funds to live extravagantly. Maybe FBI is watching you guys.

Jews got their Israel, and am sure Tamils will get their own country-Tamil Eelam in due course. Rudrakumaran will be the first Prime Minister of Tamil Eelam. Rudrakumaran is a first-class Attorney. Hitler and you may be compared to have similar neurological disorder. You were not awarded a degree as President by Harvard, except got elected by the imbecilic Yakkas of the SriLankan populace.

You and a few racial xenophobic MPs are traitors and unpatriotic citizens of SL as you guys are not interested in the development, GDP and the technological status of SL, but concentrate only on the racial congregation and upcoming of the racial Sinhala race in the entire SriLankan promenade. Have you promoted inventions, creativity, innovation, etc? Universities award degrees after triple integral studies, however, when they come out the products are only interested in “Money”. aveHaHaH

It also explains that in a capitalistic economic competitive environment, Federal State governance is the best-suited administration that will self-motivate the citizens in states for competitive productivity and hence growth. You should study the history of INDIA and on what they base their growth. India recognises inventions and promotes self-motivation, creativity, and innovation in all areas. You guys cannot even manufacture a Kitchen grinder, liquidiser, but still use granite stone grinders like in Africa.

Biological Science explanation:

My contention is, “Knowledge is power”, and high intellectual level is attained by perceiving via self-motivated creative thinking, and understanding of pure reasoning.

The human body is a biological machine consisting of five sensory systems plus the sixth sense known as the “Perception”. The biological machine is manipulated physically and intellectually by the human brain. Intelligence is defined as “understanding with pure reasoning”. Eye vision is able to identify objects. The scientific elucidation of “light” is that they are visible waves of the “electromagnetic spectrum”. My belief and knowledge of the functions of the five plus one sense unravelled the truth of, “who am I and how I should live”. There is nothing called light, except the electromagnetic signals reflect and portray the pictures in a person’s brain.

I believe that neuron has to be the starting point referred to as the building block of the brain. Inputs to the brain through the five senses can only be interrogated or compared if there are set reference values. I was able to fortify this by reasoning out the differentials in language, culture, and behaviour of different groups. My apprehension on the transformation of scientific thoughts into philosophical thoughts to reach recent primitive humans made a clear way to digest the philosophical writings by leading writers. Although the primitive people had the sixth sense, the primitives were not able to trigger the process of “thoughts” and “reasoning” in the Stone Age. Even today the Yakkas and the Kavung (කවුන්ග්) Modayas cannot trigger the process of thoughts and reasoning in SriLanka.

Therefore, Nandesena, please get up from sleep in the well (frog) and refresh yourself and think of developing your thoughts and self-motivate yourself and Bhikkhus and Yakkas for positive actions to develop SL, not to cleave the coffer of the country.

Chauvinism & Racism

Chauvinism and racism will not develop a country, but will destroy the country. The reason for this statement is that some Sinhala people are xenophobic and have an ethnic hatred with no reason but inborn in their mind. Weerasekara’s are famous for ethnic hatred, racial intimidation, which, I believe is a personality disorder.

Therefore, the main reason for the struggle is thought to be POWER, language and religion. In general, people in the Ruhunu area are saturated with ethnic hatred in their mind. It is to be noted that the Rajapaksas are from Hambantota, the Ruhunu area. Except the Mahinda Rajapaksa married a Burger woman, which has a different status in their family. Mahinda Rajapaksa was able to move into politics with the association and the help of Anura Bandaranaike. Mahinda, a low country Sinhalese becomes a friend of Anura, an upcountry Sinhalese. Low country Sinhalese are emblazoned as lower-class Sinhalese compared to the upcountry Sinhalese.

Colombo Port City

Today a struggle is for the Colombo port city. Have you understood the implication of the port city if taken over by China?

Firstly did GOSL complete an Economic Analysis in that Cost-Benefit Analysis, Risk Analysis, Life Cycle Cost, Value Engineering, Project prioritisation, maintenance option, for the port city project or did the Chinese engineers fool the Sri Lankan engineers and Accountants. Economic analysis can be a useful tool to evaluate design alternatives. Sri Lanka is not DUBAI, to spend lavishly to build cities and airports in the SEA. Do you guys practise doing CBA (Cost-Benefit Analysis) or plug values from the thin air and use them? The port city will be another DEBT-Trap like Hambantota Port.

A large industrial sector in a place near Puttalam or Anuradhapura would have been useful to SriLankan employment issues and economic struggle. It's over now, however, please see that the port city can be used to toggle revenues to SL. NOT as a Debt-Trap. Fools.

Capitalism Vs Communism:

In a capitalistic environment, competition is the grass root for measurement of survival, growth and GDP. Inherent capability, reliability, in-house knowledge, flexibility, innovation, self-motivation are factors that determine the effectiveness of the social environment. Sri Lanka in the early centuries and even after independence was a meagre country with knowledge and expertise, and the politicians had to preach socialism and communism to capture power as the people were soaked in illiteracy and deprived of technical and economic knowledge. Imbecilic Sinhalas thoughts were a socialistic/Communist government will provide everything free to the people. Sinhalas always say, “අපේ ආණ්ඩුව. Tamils before independence had the blessing to educate and become experts, and a few of the Sinhalas went to the UK and returned with a degree. The majority, therefore, were illiterates and the Communist sector took the advantage to influence them to follow socialist policies. The comparison in the social sector made the Sinhalas to be envious, covetous and suspicious about the Tamils. The only weapon the Sinhalas had was the democratic government which is majority rule and power was vested in them.

It is the Tamil engineers who were responsible for the design and construction of the irrigation system in SL in the early 50s, not the Yakkas.

What SL did was to govern the country under hidden communism, however, boast as a socialistic environment. How can the military murder hundreds of thousands of Tamils under the name of protecting sovereignty if they were commanded by a socialistic government? It is a clear-cut imbecilic act.

For a country to grow, administration and governance should be decentralised to have autonomous decision making for quick action for development and growth. Promoting competition via state administration in the third world is an honest & objective deal. SriLankan governance, if decentralised will make the island grow autocue as the writer is aware that the Tamils are champs of innovation and creativity, and can invent and create to suit local conditions using local resources. If the Sri Lankan politicians are intelligent and clever champions, then they should decentralise the island into four states (Nuwara-Ruhunu-Rajarata-Yarl/Vanni)plus the capital territory. Therefore, the damn Sinhala hooligans shall not shout, scream and boast about the decentralised governance. A few years ago, Telangana state was created dividing Andra into two states. In Nigeria, the Oyo state was divided into two states; Oyo and Oshun. South Sudan was created as a separate republic and several other countries.


Quote Excerpts Ref; Elliot Bulmer; Federalism International IDEA Constitution-Building Primer 12--Email: info@idea.int. International IDEA Stromsburg SE–103 34 Stockholm Sweden Telephone: +46 8 69837 00 Email: info@idea.int Website: <http://www.idea.net>

Federalism is a means of ensuring peace, stability and mutual accommodation in countries that have territorially concentrated differences of identity, ethnicity, religion or language. Federalism, especially in large or diverse countries, can also improve service delivery and democratic resilience, ensure decisions are made at the most appropriate level, protect against the over-concentration of power and resources, and create more opportunities for democratic participation.

Federalism is a system of government that establishes a constitutionally specified division of powers between different levels of government. There are usually two main levels: (a) a national, central or federal level; and (b) a state, provincial or regional level. In some cases, however, a federal system may prescribe a three-fold distribution of power by recognizing the constitutional powers of local government (e.g., South Africa) or by creating complex forms of overlapping territorial and linguistic federalism (e.g. Belgium). Federalism thereby allows distinct communities, defined by their territorial boundaries, to exercise guarantee”.


Very soon the Muslims in Sri Lanka may take up arms as a result of the unnecessary intimidation by the Buddhist clown Gnanasara Thero and SW and may lead to Islamic victory.

It is high time for you and your student comedian MPs to enact and pave the way for a Federal Structure for Sri Lanka to grow. It is a challenge from the Tamil quarters.



Engr. Kanthar Balanathan, Australia

DipEE (UK), GradCert Rel-Eng-Monash, Dip Bus& Adm (Finance-Massey), CEng. MIEE

19th April 2021

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