Jun 2, 2021


Nandesena (GOTA) and his Felonious Mendicants Gang

Engr. Kanthar Balanathan, Australia

DipEE (UK), GradCert Rel-Eng-Monash, Dip Bus& Adm (Finance-Massey), CEng. MIEE


During Srimavo’s period in the 70s, the Archaeological department was entrusted to establish Kandarodai in the North as a Buddhist zone. Her Sinhala Buddhist obsession has now got infected to the xenophobic Gotabaya Rajapaksa who suffers a xenophobic sickness and does underground work to establish SriLanka as a Sinhala Buddhist country. Gota has no understanding of Democratic procedures and theory and does act to his freewill.

1.     Kurunthur Hill, Kumulamunai, Mullaitivu

Recently a gang of rowdy’s probably in the name of the army, placed a Buddhist statue in Kurunthur Hill and tried to take over as Sinhala Buddhist zone.

Maybe the Sinhala hooligans do not know the value of Kurunthur Malai. It’s the Fort of our brave king Pandaravanniyan of Vanni. Even the Portuguese could not defeat and capture him except the criminals like Karuna and Pillaiyan, called “Kakkai Vanniyan” helped the Portuguese to capture Pandaravanniyan.


2.     Nilavarai Well, Jaffna

On the 21st of January 2021, members of the army and a few army clowns in civil clothes were digging in the Nilavarai area, presumably for the construction of a Buddhist vihara. Fortunately, Tamil politicians went there immediately and Mr Sivajilingham spoke behalf of Tamil people. He was forceful as normal and explained why the event is illegal. Well, done Shivaji.


3.     Human Rights

Human rights are the basic rights and freedoms that belong to every person in the world, from birth until death. ... These basic rights are based on shared values like dignity, fairness, equality, respect and independence. These values are defined and protected by law.

Quote; Ref; http://www.bbc.co.uk/ethics/lying/lying_1.shtml

[Lying is a form of deception, but not all forms of deception are lies.

·        Lying is giving some information while believing it to be untrue, intending to deceive by doing so.

·        A lie has three essential features:

·        A lie communicates some information

·        The liar intends to deceive or mislead

·        The liar believes that what they are 'saying' is not true

·        There are some features that people think are part of lying but aren't necessary:

·        A lie does not have to give false information

·        A lie does not have to be told with a bad (malicious) intention - white lies are an example of lies told with a good intention]


Like people, people do not wish to have lied for some other people’s benefit. Therefore, it could be presumed that GOSL, when doing such things, is lying to the Tamils. On the part of Tamils, this is Human Rights Violation as it impacts on the Tamils. Finding a buddha statue with no organs (sexual) parts is itself a cunning line of cheating people.



4.     Land Grabbing Mendicants


Sinhala hooligans when could not settle in the North are now trying through illegal methods to own the North. It is like beggars robbing someone’s land. Similar to Pillaiyan robbing his own Tamil friends land.


Hey Gota: You have a whole lot of area in the jungle and the South: why do you not bury some organ less (sexless) statues of Buddha of limestone and claim it a sacred area. The shameful act of trying to own Tamils’ land. Brainless head of government.


Have you not read about the three arms of government? Executive, Legislate, Judiciary. In a democracy the three arms of government function independently. However, in SL, in your regime, two arms seem to operate under one arm, which is the legislature and the judiciary operate under the Executive. Shameful democracy and is it called Buddhist philosophy? Brainless imbecilic politicians.

Gota being a megalomaniac wants to stamp SL as a Sinhala Buddhist country without consideration of democracy. No country wants to convert all its citizens to its idiosyncrasies and daydreams to become the majority type.

Buddha is nothing to the Tamils. Buddha was a born Hindu and was kicked out of India. A foolish king called Asoka after killing hundreds of thousands of his people became a follower of Buddha.

However, Buddhism was kicked out of India. SriLanka was a Hindu country. However, with Chinese influence, SL wants to convert SL to be a Buddhist country. Just the Gota’s EGO.

It is not clear as to what pleasure the Sinhala and the megalomaniac Gota get in placing Buddhist statues underground in the North?

There are several places the megalomaniacs are trying to claim in the North.

Gota may be suffering from psychological egoism to prove in the long run that he is an avatar of Dutugamunu.? Need a Mentor for GOTA?


1.     You instigated the bombing of the Church in April 2019.

2.     You instigated the riots of the Muslims and the brainless Bhikkhus during the period when you were the Defence Secretary.

3.     You instigated the murder of several LTTE boys.

4.     You instigated the LTTE cadre to be fed to the Sharks in the South sea.

5.     Today SriLanka is devastated and bankrupt.

6.     You have organised grabbing of Tamils’ land.

7.     What else is your programme?


The Sinhala Yakkas are champions of lying to the world and its people. Even before independence was granted by the British, the Yakkas have been lying to Ponnambalam Ramanathan and Co. Lying is culturally an inherited character in their blood except its covered by their false pretence of Buddhism which was Written by scholars, and not Buddha. Sinhalas eat cow meat but now they pretend they do not eat cow meat but are vegetarians. Liars.

Please stop encroaching into Tamil owned lands. Crawl into Sinha Rasa forest or Wilpattu park area and bury statues. Then you become a champion. Please watch “Some mothers do have them” a TV program.

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