Jun 2, 2021


Open Letter to G. A Gnanasara Thero, Head of the hard-line -BBS (Buddhist Power Force) and GOSL Team in the Racist Country-SriLanka

By Engr. Kanthar Balanathan, Australia

DipEE, GradCert Rel-Eng-Monash, Dip Bus& Adm (Finance-Massey), CEng. MIEE


Buddhism- Data

Buddha was born and lived in Ancient India (c. 5th to 4th century BCE). Buddha was against Brahminism and maybe, that’s why Buddhism was crushed and exported from India. The Chinese community as follow-on do not like Brahmins and hence invited Buddhism and promoted in their land. India became a Hindu kingdom.

Quote excerpt from Wikipedia; According to traditional Sri Lankan chronicles such as the Dipavamsa, Buddhism was introduced into Sri Lanka in the third century BCE after the Third Buddhist council by Arhanthà Mahinda Thero, son of Emperor Ashoka (India), during the reign of Devanampiya Tissa of Anuradhapura.

Pallavars, who tried to promote Buddhism in TN, was crushed by the support of the people to Sanskrit and Brahmanism. As usual in human political influence, the Sinhalese hatred towards Tamils they opted to promote Buddhism in SriLanka. The Chinese influence and the DNA made SriLanka be an ally of the Chinese Buddhist circle. As time rolled over religion infinitely moved and grabbed political power to promote Religion. Anyone who hated Brahminism and Hinduism promoted Buddhism and those hated Buddha threw Buddhism out of India and the Islamic countries. Geographic sector proves it. Burma to the East do practice Buddhism and the west do not practice Buddhism. Exceptionally SriLanka is a country that practice three religion, Hinduism, Christianity and Buddhism. Cambodia was the Hindu Kingdom, however, Chinese influence added Buddhism also by constructing the Buddha temple within the Angkor Watt area.

SriLanka through its cunning move wants to convert Cambodia into a Buddhist Country, which they cannot as SL cannot change history. The mighty Angkor watt kingdom was built with the assistance of the Pallavars.

In the 12th century, King Suryavarman II of the Khmer Empire began work on a 500-acre (200 hectares) temple in the capital city of Angkor, in what is now Cambodia. The complex was built to honour the Hindu god Vishnu, but 14th-century leaders converted the site into a Buddhist temple.

After the 13th century, Theravada Buddhism became the state religion of Cambodia. King Jayavarman VII had sent his son Tamalinda to Sri Lanka to be ordained as a Buddhist monk and study Theravada Buddhism according to the Pali scriptural traditions.

After the Cham people of modern-day Vietnam sacked Angkor in 1177, King Jayavarman VII (reigned 1181–c. 1220) decided that the Hindu gods had failed him. ... Thereafter, Angkor Wat became a Buddhist shrine, and many of its carvings and statues of Hindu deities were replaced by Buddhist 








Details of Siva Temples built in SriLanka:

1.     Muneeswaran Temple Chilaw            -10 BC

2.     Koneswaran temple    Trincomalee    -6 BCE

3.     Thiru Ketheeswaran temple, Mannar -6 BCE

4.     Naguleswaran Temple, Keerimalai    - 6 BCE (restored during the reign of Prince Vijaya of Vanga (543-505 BCE))

5.     Ten avaram Temple, Matara              -Quote excerpt from Wiki ( The temple complex was developed with a Pallava style of architecture between the 6th and 8th century CE. One tradition state that a temple shrine in Ten avaram was constructed by King Aggabodhi IV in the middle of the 7th century CE, fusing Dravidian stone-made temple construction with a local interpretation.)


The above temples are known as The Pancha Ishwarams temples in SL.     

Buddha was born approximately 5th to 4th century BCE. Even before Buddha was born Hindu religion was prevailing in Ceylon which was practised by Tamils. Let the Fanatic Buddhist clergy get this information through their thick cape buffalo head.

The dirtiest Portuguese, Perera, Silva & Co. destroyed several Hindu temples in the 16th century and they were reconstructed subsequently.


Sikkim is a Buddhist country devoted to Buddhism. Every family gives a child to the Monastery to become a Buddhist Monk. Most vegetarians eat rice and vegetables. Cambodians and Sikkim have devoted Monks, unlike SriLankan and Burmese.

Rowdy Buddhism

Buddhism prevails in the form of rowdyism in Burma and SriLanka. In SriLanka, children are not given to the monastery for training as a Monk. The mature clergy do not know even the Buddhist philosophy. There are scholars Nyanaponika Thera, however, he was a German-born (Hanau, Germany), trained Monk. It is uncertain that a SriLankan born Thera’s have ten per cent of his knowledge, as they are not trained in Theology, but in RACISM and politics. It is requested that all Thera’s in SriLanka read the book titled, “The Power of Mindfulness”.

Let readers read the following article.: http://nrnmind.blogspot.com/2009/08/mind-science-intelligence-perception.html on the mind.

The Issue with Buddhism is that it grew with the help of politics and racism. Buddha was born into a Hindu family and the environment in which he grew was Hinduism and Brahminism, which he hated, resulting in his philosophy to be exported. In the ancient period, Hindu Sages, like Visuvamithirar etc did meditation to acquire the power of their Mind. Buddha copied this philosophy and made use of it to promote his theory of meditation to the illiterate in the far east which became popular. Buddhism copied all of them.

However, not all the rowdy Buddhist can meditate, pretend to meditate, and having time diverted their time into racism, politics etc.

Galagoda Aththe Gnanasara Thero (GAGT)

Certainly, Galagoda Aththe Gnanasara Thero (GAGT) cannot speak English and hence cannot read. However, he can make use of the educated ones in SL to understand what the writer has claimed in this article.

The writer has been silent over the past years on the ridiculous, racial, threatening statements made by this half-caste Yakka Monk, and some politicians but right now in 2020, he has gone over the limit as a Clergy, intimidating and threatening poor civilians, both Tamils, Muslims and Burgers who believe in other faith. The President is the Executive of GOSL and he is also responsible to maintain Law & Order and keep insane people silent and keep the society to live in cohesion. The President is not there to enjoy his power over the military but maintain Law & Order. So far the Executive has not come out to the press or warned GAGT which may insult the culture of the GOSL.  Either the President or the PM should keep the Buddhist monks under control to obey the country’s Law & Order. Buddhist Monks shall focus on theology and be able to promote their religion/philosophy not cause Human Riots Violation.

There is no point in stating that (GOSL) has achieved peace and rehabilitated the ex LTTE cadre which is a shame to the government and is a laughing matter.

Some years back BBS was responsible to cause racial conflicts in the South between Muslims and Sinhalese for which no action was taken by the then GOSL.

GAGT’s, vision may be to suppress all the other religions through his threatening speeches and annihilate Tamils and Muslims in SriLanka.

People like this were responsible for the conversion of Hindus to Buddhism, Name changes like Gunaratnam to Gunaratna, Rajaratnam to Rajaratna, Kulasingham to Kulasingha etc. All the ratnas were Tamils, however, changed their name to Sinhala to get favours, jobs etc.

Recently GAGT demanded rent from Tamils for occupying their land. He is an idiot with a lack of historical knowledge. My above brief will project that Tamils were in SriLanka before Vijaya came to SL. They say, “Sinhalese”. Who are they? Are they Yakkas, Veddas or Nagas? Of course, “Nagas” are Tamils. The only Sinhalese race as per history can be concluded as the Kandyan people who are a mixture of Malabarian. King Rajasingham signed the peace accord with the British in the Tamil language. King was born in Madurai and was brought to Kandy to rule the Sinhalese.

The name Dutugamunu in Tamil meant as Dushta Gamunu, which is meant as rowdy Gamunu. How long is SL going to preach this theory and try to intimidate Tamils, Hindus?

The North is an area for the Tamils who have lived for ages. If Sinhalese want to join, they can live in the North, however, they have no claim over the space. Correctly speaking the entire Island was owned by the Tamils and Vijaya intruded and captured half of the land. Therefore, the Sinhalese shall pay rent to the Tamils and not vice-versa. Particularly the Silva, Perera, Fonseka, Fernando, and the lot Portuguese descendants shall pay rent to the Tamils.

BBS and GOSL should be held responsible for the bombing of the St. Anthony’s Church, violence in the South in 2018 and Human Rights Violation in SL.

There is a driver for the BBS to have such courage to act which can be only through GOSL and no one else. The attack, discrimination, oppression, intimidation comes from several ends:

(i)               BBS, (ii) Army (iii) Police (iv) AAVA group in the North, (v) Grease men (who are Yakkas), (vi) Changes to Constitution- amendments, (vii) Blabbering of GOSL Sinhala illiterate MPs, (viii) Vested power in Colombo, (ix) Human Rights Violation, (x) Sinhalese thoughts of Tamils as their slaves, and (xi) Freedom of the Press and Speach.

Even Sinhala Diasporas think that Tamil Diasporas are their slaves. Even an uneducated Sinhala Diaspora who cleans toilets and wipes & clean supermarket floors think the same. I met a guy who was cleaning the floor of a supermarket who is the son of a SriLanka’s Ministers brother. There may be Sinhalese Benami operating for Sinhala millionaires.



 The Tamils in SriLanka have been subjected to multi-dimensional oppression and discrimination over the last 72 years. The reason for the upraise of the Tamils is the standardisation in the educational system.

Various racial riots as of 1915:

1915    Tamil speaking Muslims and Sinhalese are known as “Mankollai”

1956    Sinhala/Tamil riots

1958    Sinhala/Tamil racial riots

1966    - do-

1977    -do-

1983    -Racial riots-

2009    -Crush by the military

The military is walking into houses with no notice and arrest youngsters

Buddhist Clergy involved in politics and racial confrontation and intimidation.

Buddhist clergy demanding money from Tamils

Buddhist clergy intimidating Tamils in every part of SL.

The Jaffna Public Library was destroyed on the night of 1st June 1981.

There are so many atrocities that have been carried out and people are silent out of fear.

SriLanka is like a dictatorship country like that of Burma.

Now Buddhist Monks are involved in politics intimidating Tamils and Muslims.

The driver behind the Buddhist Monks involvement in politics may be the hierarchy or a powerful parliamentarian.

The then President and the IGP were well informed of the St Anthony’s Church Bombing.

Impeding Beef slaughtering may be intentional to hit on the economy of the Muslims.

Their next plan may hurt the Tamils economy in SL via imports or by possible means which will not impact on Sinhalese.




It is a concern that Tamils should be given their demand for four-plus SLCT. Batticaloa to be merged with   Nuwara. Trincomalee and Mannar to be merged with North. This is the best solution for SriLanka.

SriLanka should think of going for a referendum.

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