Jan 27, 2024

 15th November 2011



Hon Mr. M.A.Sumanthiran MP

3/1, Daya Road

Colombo 6



Hon Mr. Sumanthiran




Firstly, I like to introduce myself. I am a SriLankan Diaspora, who left the country in 1967 to the UK for studies, and from 1969 to 1976, I was the Head of the Electrical Power, Instrument & Control Divisions at the Kankesan Cement Works (Ceylon Cement Corporation). I left Sri Lanka in 1977, travelled to most countries, worked in the UK, Africa, New Zealand & Australia, and have now retired in Australia. During my period of employment in different countries, I had the opportunity of not only meeting multinationals but also work with multinationals, appreciating their commitment to culture, courteousness, consideration, kindness, respect for others, dignity of labour, and appreciation of knowledge in all subject and matters, whether economics, political or technological, particularly in the European society.


I am writing this document to you as I consider you an Attorney, Politician and eminent person who lives in the real world in the 21st century, led by Hon Mr Sambanthar, a mature politician. I have trailed your excellent orations, interviews & discussions on different platforms in Australia, the US, Canada etc. With your wisdom, erudition and flexibility, perhaps you should be the next leader of TNA.


Every Sri Lankan should have the right to suggest a lead to a solution, wherever he or she lives. The reason is some members of the TNA feel that Tamil Diaspora is there to support their political ideology, which I strongly disagree with and demur, and can confidently state that are significant number of Tamils feel the same way, provided TNA leads Tamils to an acceptable solution within a unitary SriLanka with one governing body. I propose to discuss in detail my views, on the situation of Tamils in Sri Lanka.


Well, during my period at Hartley College, politics cuddled my curiosity & attentiveness. I closely watched the Federal Party’s political moves, and FP’s trivial hostility and skirmish for licence plate numbers on vehicles, which is the Tamil “SRI” instead of the Sinhala “SRI”. As a pupil, I pondered this cheap politics by the Attorneys at Law, who were Politicians. Those politicians did not appraise the socio-politico-economic or technological importance of Tamils or Sri Lanka, but only their self-centred selfishness of financial position and political survival.


  1. Sinhala Society


As a pupil, I grew up in Kamburupitiya and Matara in the 1950s. My understanding of the character of the Sinhalese is that a high proportion of the Sinhalese are, gentle, kind, caring, sympathetic, and embrace all humans with open arms, irrespective of race, religion or ethnic group. Sinhalese preach & practice Buddhism, which is measured as a humane philosophy also practised by billions of humans around the world.


The majority of the Schools in the South had Tamil medium streams with Tamil Teachers. While in Kurunagala in 1966, I met teachers who were teaching Tamil to students. Well, to generalise, I can state that in any part of Sri Lanka, the Tamil stream was available for Tamil students. What does this mean?

In Kamburupitiya (1950), there were beetle and spice shops owned by Punguduteevu Tamils. In Matara, most of the eating houses were owned by Punguduteevu and island Tamils. Not to mention, every part of Sri Lanka had spice shops and Tamil eating houses. Wherever Tamils are colonised, we have a humdrum tradition of building Temples and opening up eating houses & shops. This does not mean that they have lived there for centuries but colonised. During the time I lived in Inginiyagala, I witnessed a similar situation. Mostly Tamils held positions in all government offices. You can be sure that you can stroll into an office to meet the Chief Clerk who will no doubt be a Tamil. However, Tamils being a minority ethnic group, has anyone analysed how they were able to colonise offices and liveable areas in the South and other places?


Well, now addressing the living order of the Sinhalese, successive governments oppressed the Southerners neglecting most of the South. With NIL industries & good schools, people in the South accrued their household income through cottage industries. On the other, a strong belief is that Sinhala people were entrepreneurs (industrialists) by way of accruing their revenue for living, through the cottage industry, independent of the government, but indirectly contributing to the government although the government neglected them (Sinhala). My first article as a student appeared in the Hartley College 1957 year magazine titled “Cottage Industries in Ceylon”. (Evidence: If possible please refer to the 1957 year book-Hartley College, Point Pedro)


E.g.: Kamburupitiya did not have good roads and electricity. On the other hand, Point Pedro in the North had electricity and good interior roads. The North had quite good schools, but the South had only two good schools in Matara and Galle. (St. Thomas College & Richmond College).  Does this tell something to the world about discrimination, oppression, and the victims? The Sinhalese people were the victims.


During my period of Technical education, of the 96 students selected for the Technical course, approximately 62 students were Tamils and 34 Sinhalese. This may be because of the good schools in the North. This is not the fault of the Tamils or Sinhalese, but the system and the victims were the Sinhalese who are the majority.


Careful examination reveals that Tamils held the majority of the top jobs in the past. This may be due to the system being designed in such a way Tamils to gain access to all streams.


The Sinhalese people built this nation –Sri Lanka. The Sinhalese developed their language, culture, and customary practices, and preached and practised Buddhism. They should be proud of what they did develop, cultivate and achieve. We should perceive that they did not borrow or copycat from the Indians. In Sri Lanka, the Sinhala people developed the language.


Tamils should recognise this truth, and not boast that their language and character are superlative to the Sinhalese.


  1. Tamil Society


Tamils have been trailing along on trivial issues with a lack of comprehension of co-existence. Although on certain occasions I had to sympathise with Tamil politics, I had to fine-tune my thoughts in line with the real world. I had my views, which are resolute in that Tamils were making a big mistake, vexing & perturbing Sri Lanka, on political, economic and technological advancement. Items of concern have been addressed later in this document, which I think you would give serious thought to reforming the TNA policies to make it more real and practical to work within a strong economic and powerful Sri Lanka.


You will agree with the real world that the previous Tamil politicians in the 40s & 50s followed cheap racial politics intending to hold onto parliamentary privileges. Now, TNA led by Hon Mr.Sampanthar should study the practicality of solving the issues leading to peace in the 21st century, as Tamils in Sri Lanka have been agonised, and victimised more under the LTTE regime for the last 35 years.


We Tamils boast that we are a unique race with distinct culture, religion and language. I completely disagree with this notion. We are not a race but an ethnic group in the North and East. The ethnic group in the N&E consists of Malabar, Tamils, Telugu, Marathi, Karnataka, Portuguese, Dutch, Irish, Filipino and whatnot. My point is that we have to study history before bragging.


Every part of Jaffna has its own culture & traditions, differing from each other. For example, Tellipalai is different from Araly, Karainagar, or Padaitherippu. Tamils worship different gods. Although the Indians were wise enough to merge Vaishnavam & Saivam, making Vishnu the Brother-in-Law of Siva and bringing all within one umbrella known as “Hinduism”, which nexuses all the divergences, caused the hatred between them to evaporate.


Hindu Gods depict weapons in their hands. We have a draconian caste system prevailing in the Tamil society. In the early years, 25% of the Vellalar were controlled by 75% of Tamils. They not only controlled but also oppressed and discriminated majority of Tamils. Can then the rest assume that the 25% are suffering from some kind of psychiatric disorder?


Tamils in the North & East are as if Nomads live in cluster groups. South Indian Kingdoms planted the ancient Tamil Kings in the N&E and they never had bestowed interest in the people of the N&E, except in building temples. Those kings did not build any infrastructures similar to the Sinhala Kings. E.g Parackrama Samudra in Anuradhapura. Can we point out one similar Tank in the North, leaving the Iranaimadu in Killinochi? Post Portuguese period, the invaders did nothing. The British built good schools and limited infrastructure. The Sri Lankan government decided to build Cement, Chemical and Paper factories in the North & East.


The pre-colonial period is considered a harsh & cruel period. For example, King Sangilian (whose true name is not Sanglian), had to camouflage himself to the natives to accept him as their ruler, and was interested in dances, and religious activities, doing nothing to the people in the North. Ordinary People in the North lived like slaves carrying out their routines, except the Elites. Sanglian was quite particular in segregating different castes to live in different constellation groups and considered them low prohibiting them from acquiring knowledge.


Let us take the language. The Tamils in the North & East copied what is in South India and implemented it in the N&E. Culturally, wherever the Tamils came from brought their home culture and practiced in the N&E. Tamils in Sri Lanka were not ingenious enough to develop their own culture, language & religion in Sri Lanka. Tamils cannot boast that they developed something in Sri Lanka. It was merely a copycat.


However, on the contrary, the Sinhalese developed their language, culture, and customary practices, practising Buddhism, which they are highly proud of and we have to accept their intellectual capability and the results achieved by them. Finally, it directs that the Tamils and Sinhalese are no different humans, but are brothers and sisters.


Tamils brag that their language “Tamil” gave birth before humans started learning and had a monarchy. In Tamil: கல் தோன்றி மன் தோன்றாக் காலத்தில் தோன்றியது தமிழ் மொழி”.  


What a lot of crap? How long are we going to yap this apophthegm? I have listened to literates and Tamil scholars still go around yapping this dictum without understanding the truth, veracity and authenticity.


We Tamils have a temperament that we tend not to enter into conflict resolution through dialogues, but take revenge by either assaults or killing. A typical example is throwing human excreta into a journalist’s house in Sydney, and all killings carried out by LTTE in Sri Lanka. Even today, LTTE leftovers are fighting in overseas countries, which you may be aware of.


Politics of the Tamils


I have to refer to certain details for clarity and certain documents for the authenticity of this discussion. Whatever is stated here is not intending to nit-pick or insult, but to elucidate that Tamils had a deficit in their vision and mission.


Jaffna Tamils had evil deep-rooted hard rock caste consciousness within the interethnic group and the highland Tamils. The Jaffna man identified Tamils of another region as, Theevaan, Vanniyaan, Vadamaraachiaan, and Vadakkathiyaan etc.


The Ceylon National Congress was formed in 1919, and the “unofficial” was expanded in numbers in the Legislative Council [LC] in 1921 and a further expansion in 1924. Sir P. Ramanathan represented the Legislative Council of Ceylon as a member, only for the Educated Ceylonese between the periods 1911 to 1921. Between the periods 1924 to 1930, he represented the LC for Valikamam North. Sir PR died at the age of 79 in 1930. The crux I wish to accentuate is that Sir PR represented only a few elite Tamils. Their racial-ethnic group was not at all interested in the general Tamil populace. Sir PR did not represent the entire Tamils and did not politically manoeuvre towards liberating the Tamil populace from slavery and caste oppression. However, a few articles deliberated that Sir PR advocated the rights of the up-country Tamils. Quote “He defended their right to voting rights in his speech in the Legislative Assembly [Page 1791 Hansard Volume 111-1928] “. The question and the ambiguity, which arises now, are whether these created stories to protect the descendants of the Royal family to continue in the politics of governing the Tamils within SriLanka or as an independent nation. In 1948, the first bill by the act of parliament was the Ceylon Citizenship Act No.18 of 1948, to disenfranchise the Tamils of the highlands (Tamils of Indian origin). GG Ponnambalam voted for it. (Ref; The National Question and the Tamil Liberation Struggle by Satchi Ponnambalam). The truth is that Mr GG Ponnambalam voted in favour of disfranchising the one million Tamils. Could we then assume or believe that Elite Tamils were the main driver for the disfranchisement?

Donomore and Soulsbury drafted the constitution during the British period. During this period, in the State Assembly elections held in 1931, 1936 & 1947, upcountry Tamils elected eight assembly members of Parliament. (Ref: The National Question and the Tamil Liberation Struggle by Satchi Ponnambalam). Could this be the reason for the Elite Jaffna Tamils to spawn hatred towards the highland Tamils or could the differences be because of the caste?

Further, “The passage of the 1949 act made two MPs (SJV & Vanniasingham) resign from the Tamil Congress and found the “Federal Party”. The other version is that SJV resigned from the Tamil Congress, on refusal of a ministerial portfolio. Could we then assume that SJVC formed the Federal Party to gain cheap popularity on the refusal of a portfolio? This was the first step of obliteration Tamil Politicians instigated in Sri Lanka.

However, for the last 63 years, we have been screaming, crying and politically slandering GSL that the Sinhalese were responsible for the disenfranchisement of the Tamils, which may not be the truth. The Elite Tamils were the main driver for the act with GG Ponnambalam leading the mission.

Vaddukoddai Resolution

The Tamil Manavar Peravai (TMP) was gaining recognition among the Tamil masses. I am a native of Vaddukoddai. Mr. Amirthalingham was illustrious and notable for poor human qualities and the people decided in 1966 to dump Amirthaligham. Vaddukoddai people took up the challenge, and he was defeated and chased out of Vaddukoddai in 1970. The defeat humiliated him and ran to Tellipallai. In general, FP sensed a vacillation of popularity and support among the Tamils. I was at KKS during these periods.

The liberation groups and TMP’s vision and mission were to establish a separate Tamil land. This is when Amirthalingham wanted to regain his political identity and supremacy among the Tamils, and had a convention for the Resolution. Can anyone give one good reason? (i) why FP chose Vaddukoddai as the Town for the convention (ii) Declaration of a separate country of Tamil Eelam.

Analysis revealed that the convention had to be a necessity to protect FP’s downfall. Vaddukoddai Resolution was a formula Amirthalingham and Co-developed for FP’s political survival. To regain as FP’s political icon, Amirthalingham, chose Vaddukkoddai for the VR. This was the third catastrophic failure Tamil politicians instigated, just because they wanted to regain political importance. The first is the SJVC’s Federal Party, second is TMP and LTTE taking up arms.

Today VR has transformed itself into a mode of transport to the Tamil Diaspora at the expense of Tamils in Sri Lanka. I can foresee that VR made a deception subsequently, as it is a NO, NO and not a viable option.



Kuttimani & Thangathurai started carrying guns in 1970 under the pretext of liberation. The two people are nothing but smugglers from Valvettiturai. Vellupillai Prabakaran (VP) was a boy who left school without even going through year 9. Speculation is that VP carried Tea and buns for Thangathurai, and Thangathurai taught him how to manipulate guns (revolver). Uma Maheswaran was from Tellipalai and the speculation is that he was a pugnacious character. 1972 was the year they joined forces and in 1976, the New Liberation Tigers was transformed into LTTE under the leadership of Uma Maheswaran.

What was their goal? A separate country for the N&E is named TamilEalam (TE). Did they do basic homework on the viability of a separate country?

The group only learned to kill prominent figures and politicians. They did not have a rudimentary knowledge of politics, economics, social science and the principles of democracy. LTTE was responsible for the killing of, several thousands of innocent Tamils in the N&E, politicians and civilians during the 2009 war. VP’s acts were cruel, draconian, cunning and inhumane.

How did they generate funds? Initially, Valvettiturai smugglers financed their operations and subsequently transformed into international smuggling. Most of the funds generated were through illegal means. Today, LTTE key supporters are fighting for the wealth LTTE accrued.

By killing politicians and Ministers, they earned the name “TERRORISTS”. Several opportunities were available to the LTTE to arrive at a peaceful solution. This is an indication of the highest degree of idiosyncrasy VP & Co possessed.

The shortfall was a mindset that prevented the VP and the terrorists from holding onto arms struggle under the pretext of liberation. On the other, LTTE did not realise that they were doing more damage to the Tamils rather than protecting the Tamils. Every time LTTE moved from place to place, LTTE used civilians as human shields.

Previous governments are accountable for not eradicating terrorism and the LTTE. Although the previous governments applied a diplomatic process, LTTE’s violent mode could not be accepted. Tamils should be thankful to the current President HE MR. Mahinda Rajapakse, and the three military commanders for liberating the Tamils from agony, anguish, suffering, distress, and torment.

Well, the mindset of myth, illusion, fabrication, and fiction with the absence of truth and reality embraced the LTTE and their supporters for 39 years.

Transnational Government of Tamil Eelam (TGTE)

VP in his speech in November 2008 said that he transferred the struggle to the Tamil Diaspora youths. Along with his statement in the hero’s day speech, the mindset of myth, illusion, fabrication, and fiction with the absence of truth and reality embraced the TGTE and the Tamil Diaspora.

TGTE was quick to move for the VR referendum in overseas countries. TGTE intended to camouflage and describe to the world that they are going through a democratic process. In reality, what percentage of Tamil Diaspora did vote for the referendum? What percentage of the Tamil Diaspora did vote for the TGTE elections?

The North of Sri Lanka has no resources. Even today, how many people are paying their taxes to the government? On the other hand, most of the people in the North own assets. If the government investigates how they accrued the wealth, most of them could face legal charges.

The creation of Provincial Councils (PC) proliferates government expenses, bribery and corruption. The question is could the PC generate revenue within the PC region? What is the mode of inflow of capital to the Provincial Council? Inadequate inflow results in them begging the Central Government for funds. Well, it could be that the PC will have only limited power, but they cannot generate adequate revenue to run the Council. Embracing Power is not going to improve people’s living standards and enhancement of knowledge in socio-politico-economic and technology. We are in the 21st century, not the 12th century with a rearward monarchy system.

If the Provincial Council system cannot solve economic and technical issues, can we assume that a Federal System will solve them? A Federal System will be a catastrophic tragedy to the entire Sri Lanka. On a 10-year horizon, Sri Lanka may accelerate to be another third-world African nation.

Tamil Diaspora embraced with the myth of a separate nation has not understood the implications and unreality of such a perception. If PC and the Federal System were not feasible, then a separate nation would be a treacherous debacle. A separate nation (TE) would be a threat to the entire South East Asian nations. TE would be an airport for foreign terrorists, drug traffickers and smugglers. Such illegal means may become a reality on a 15-year horizon.

TGTE propagates that Tamils need to govern themselves free from oppression and discrimination. Those elite Tamils have not perceived that they have been oppressing and discriminating against lower cast Tamils for centuries and the tradition continues. It is the Sri Lankan government that opened up opportunities for all Tamils to gain access to good schools, Universities and employment. A separate country (TE) will maximize oppression and discrimination of the lower segment of the Tamils by the Elite rulers under the pretext of democracy.

Most educated literate members of TGTE gained free primary, secondary, and University education plus free food through coupons. Most of those are the very same educated people now calling themselves Tamil Diaspora, who are working against Sri Lanka to destroy Sri Lanka's economy, sovereignty and esteem.

Please ask a question. Why did the British merge N & E with Ceylon? If the merge did not go through, today Tamils would be a bunch of uneducated tramps. We have to accept the fact that our Tamil politicians in the state/legislative council period refused a Federal System when Mr SWRD Bandaranaike made the move. Maybe, we must appreciate those politicians in the early years.

Tamil Diaspora – (TD)

Tamils are categorized as a kind of nomads and drifters look for greener pastures. General characterization is that we have a habit of not staying in one place, but wonder to other greener pastures. Tamils from India invaded and colonized Indonesia and Ceylon. Well, historically South Indian Kingdoms and travellers via the Indian Ocean stormed Ceylon. The world should sympathize with the Sri Lankan Sinhalese, as they are people who suffered the most over several centuries with sudden unpredictable assaults from South India, Muslims, Moors and Europeans. We should read history without revamping stories to suit us.

Tamils, because of the psychopath caste system, tend to live in cluster formation. We colonize other areas. Tamils from the N&E quickly colonized Colombo 4, 5, 6 and every place they could. No Tamil wanted to move to Vanni because of Malaria. On the other hand, Tamils object and scream if others try to move and settle. That is our nature. We are selfish, we will not make use of it and we will not allow others to make use of it, and are not flexible. Everywhere we colonize; our priority is to build temples and eating houses.

Even in places where they have settled or colonized, we tend to cluster into primary groups based on caste.

In Ceylon, Tamils were identified as “Kallathonies”, which is true. Even after Ceylon gained independence, people from South India (Tamil Nadu, Andra) were creeping illegally on boats. The government established a unit in Palaly to eliminate illegal immigration. Tamils were irritated because of this impression.

However, in the 21st century, Tamils from Sri Lanka are entering European countries, New Zealand and Australia illegally by boat. They enter as refugees, but after they receive permanent residence, they go back to Sri Lanka on holidays. Can they be refugees?

Today some of the Tamil Diaspora, maybe approximately 25-30% are perceived with a mindset of Tamil Ealam and TGTE. Notwithstanding, wherever they have colonized Australia, they have built several temples in different suburbs in different states. A significant number of curry houses and eating houses are been opened up. Some of them are ambitious to enter local politics. Are these migrants willing to change and integrate with the Australians or is there a possibility of demanding a separate governing body for the Tamils in Australia?

The result is several millions of dollars wasted each year for their TE campaign, with nil results.

Tamil Nadu Poly-tricks

We all are aware that Tamil Nadu (TN) politicians originated separatism calling for an independent Tamil Nadu as soon as they got independence. Later they abandoned the demand for their selfish reasons. Their motive was to develop their state, which they accomplished. However, they could not rid of the racist mindset, which resulted in the birth of Dravida Kazhagam. Today there is a significant number of political parties, which embed the word “Dravida”. In Tamil Nadu, the majority of people are not educated but are inflicted with myths through cinema. After 64 years, TN is crowded with migrants from other states, who have settled and call themselves Tamils. The majority of the TN people can speak Hindi in TN. Some from neighbouring states have found an easy method of entering politics. These individuals found that cinema is a sound channel for entering politics. Most illiterates in TN, saturated with idiosyncrasy, hero-worship cinema actors vote for them. The term “Democracy” has no meaning in TN.

Those frustrated leftovers and some politicians, rather than addressing their issues, direct their grievances and attacks on the Central Government in Delhi, via the Tamils in Sri Lanka. India promoted LTTE, trained them and gave them weapons to fight GSL. They had two motives. (i) satisfy their local state TN politicians (ii) to control and thumb down GSL.

Today TN politicians are moaning and crying that N & E is colonized In SL. No one speaks about Tamils colonizing the South. Well, these TN politicians are either politically & socially immature or they plan to destroy SL.


We Tamils in Sri Lanka have shown a high degree of racism and xenophobic approach to the GSL by titling political parties starting with “Tamil & TamilEalam”. Today, political parties have congregated to be either Tamil Elam or Liberation Tigers. This is an indication of the high degree of racism and xenophobia. In the Sinhala sector, no political parties carry the name “Sinhala”.

Have we thought about why we carry the name Tamil in every nook and corner? Tamils should rid of this ill reactionary attitude of stamping everything “Tamil”. All are Sri Lankans irrespective of race and religion.

Even in the 21st century, most Tamils inflicted with 12th-century murky, mud-spattered thoughts of dominance over others are like that of animals in the jungle. “Fundamental & fanatic caste & creedal thoughts is a kind of psychiatric problem as it is outside human norms”. As questioned earlier, can we consider that 25% of the Vellalars have some mental problems as they live outside the human norm?

What type of jobs are those who claim superior engaged overseas? Does the dollar compensate for their dignity?

Are Tamils possessive? Are Tamils selfish and self-centred in all aspects? What is the reason that Tamils cannot understand the basic norm? Why cannot Tamils be flexible and reliable, have some courtesy and give some thoughts on the dignity of labour? Are Tamils violent by nature because we worship Hindu gods who depict weapons in their hands? Why do Tamils celebrate days of killing and not otherwise? Why do Tamils believe in myths, imaginary things, and not reality? Why are Tamils reluctant to believe in science? Are Tamils of N & E Dravidian, Aryan or Sri Lankan? Why do not Tamils embrace humans of another race or ethnic group? Why are we xenophobic? Does any constraint prevail for Tamils not to learn the Sinhalese language?

 Tamil demand for autarchy leads to an assumption of chauvinism. Could this be a reasonable assumption?

Prof Daya Somasundaram in his publication has given statistics of Tamils in service in Sri Lanka. (Ref: MCGILL FOREIGN AFFAIRS REVIEW, Volume II, Issue 1 - Winter 2010). The table depicts as follows:

Table 1: Percentages of Tamils employed in Sri Lanka, by sector.











Clerical Service










Armed Forces






We must believe that we were less than approximately 11.5% of the total population in Ceylon. Nevertheless, Tamils were holding 50% of the jobs in clerical service, 40% in the armed forces, and 60% Professionals in 1956. A simple question is, would Tamils tolerate this proportion of employment if they were the majority being 85% of the total population? On the other hand, would Elite Tamils tolerate this proportion of employment by the lower caste, among the Tamils?


Mr. V. Rudrakumaran in his interview with a journalist stated that the Tamils are facing multidimensional colonisation.

He stated that colonisation in Tamil soil occurs as follows:

1.      Land

2.      Language

3.      Employment

4.      Culture

Have we for a single moment thought that Tamils, not only have colonised every part of Sri Lanka by way of land, employment, culture and language but also colonised foreign countries?

TNA & Future

TNA is the sole representative of the Tamils in Sri Lanka. TGTE is an organisation, which floats in the air. TGTE can never claim that they are neither the representatives nor any other organisation overseas. Could a separate TE be a reality based on political and economic assessment? The Tamils in the N&E are an ethnic group with significant differentials among them, and since independence, we have not shown any progress, correction, step-up or advancement. Tamils look for greener pastures.

The following are not feasible from the socio-economic perspective of the Tamils.

1.      Provincial Council

2.      Federal system

3.      Separate country TE


There can be only one government (GSL) and Tamils could be part of the government. If Tamils need power sharing, please think of an option of joining the governance. Tamils must realise that we are quite a low minority and power-sharing requests should be reasonable. TNA could request the changes to take effect by an irrevocable act of parliament.


TGTE and overseas Tamil Forums should not dictate terms to the elected representatives in SL. TGTE and other forums should not interfere with the governance of GSL and should not attempt to disintegrate SL as a nation. What is required in SL is peace and stability for people and the country's economy to grow.

Tamil extremists domiciled overseas and those refugees who have obtained permanent residence should think before acting. Their thoughts, verbal diarrhoea, or any acts shall not render any counterproductive measures in SL. It is an observation that Tamil Diaspora’s actions, verbal, and journalistic statements do not measure with the civilised world.

Further, TGTE is creating precedence for the rest of the world to be destabilised.

The Tamil Diaspora should think and understand with pure reasoning that a separate country is not viable. Even a PC or a federal system is not economically viable as SL is a small country with very limited resources.

Power or language will not produce food for people to survive.

Tamils need to be proactive, constructive, productive, practical, positive, helpful, thoughtful, considerate and thorough in their political ideology and performance to achieve peace and build Sri Lanka a powerful nation in the Indian Ocean.

Thank you for taking the time to read this letter.

Kind Regards

Yours Sincerely




(Kanthar  Balanathan)





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