An Appeal Letter to the
Canadian Prime Minister
By Engr. Kanthar
DipEE (UK), GradCert (RelEng-Monash), DipBus&Adm
(Finance-Massey), C.Eng., MIEE,
Former Director of Power Engineering Solutions Pty Ltd,
Consulting Electrical Engineers
Leading Engineer of the World 2006, UK Authority Award
Dear Prime Minister Rt Hon Mr
Justin Trudeau,
I am originally a Sri Lankan and now an Australian.
Sri Lanka had its issues and racial problems since 1948, and the root cause
was the late MP SJVChelvanayagam, creating the Federal Party (FP) and sawing
the hatred against the majority Sinhala community and the intent was for SJVC
and his party members to be elected to parliament continuously using the
divisional politics. This phenomenon of divisional politics materialised and
people voted for the FP driving wedges between the two communities.
Since the birth of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam AKA LTTE, headed by
an uneducated 8th-standard Tamil, known as V. Prabakaran,
multimillion dollars worth of assets were destroyed, and thousands of Sinhala
people and ministers were massacred and several industries were destroyed, which
had to be reconstructed using foreign loans and aid after 2010 except the
cement factory which is destroyed.
Sir, Kindly refer to the appended photographs that depict the number of
heavy weapons manufactured by the LTTE, using foreign expertise and manual
work. The LTTE massacred thousands of Sinhala civilians and assets during their
destruction period. The LTTE had plans of sending proletariats and workers and
members of the LTTE to oversee countries and commence their propaganda work
using the anto-Srilankan Sinhala campaign. LTTE obtained victory using their
overseas platform of Councils. Several
LTTE members illegally migrated to Canada and formed associations and
Congresses and commenced their anti-SriLankan propaganda.
Gary Anandasangaree is the son of a politician who is a member of TULF, who
has lost support from the Tamils in SL. Another person is Vijay Thanigasalam
MP. These members were elected to the Canadian parliament to address the needs
of the Canadian people. However, the two are always interested in campaigning
and complaining against the Sri Lankan government for genocide. Sri Lanka did
not exercise any genocide in SL except the LTTE carried out mass murder and
destruction of property and assets. The truth is concealed by the Tamil
Diaspora. Why do they build temples in Toronto? The Canadian government may not
know but we learn that there are severe issues among the Tamils in Canada. I
had severe issues with a girl from Montreal and had to inform RCMP and they did
act. This indicates the loyalty and the effectiveness and efficiency of the
RCMP in Canada for which we are grateful.
The country’s military’s responsibility is to protect the borders of the
country and safeguard the people's security. The Sri Lankan military protected
the border and the people.
Sir, I would like to ask your honour a question please; Will the Canadian
military tolerate terrorists (if by Red Indians) building heavy weapons
manufacturing in their backyard?
If Yes, then why do we need
the military?
The Sri Lankan military rose against terrorism and wiped out the terrorists
and their weapons. In a war, people caught in the war get killed. It was not a GENOCIDE
in SL. It was not even a WAR. It was an assault by the Sri Lankan military to
wipe out terrorism in SL.
Sir, I am a Tamil educated in the UK. We Tamils are in the habit of blowing
things up to convince others to get their support and allow migration. Maybe
Gary Anadasangaree and Thanigasalam are trying for this act.
In what way have they rendered their support and constructive assistance to
the Canadians in their electorate?
It is recommended that these two should face the Canadian Congress and
justify by answering questions. I throw a challenge that I can prove that it is
not genocide. LTTE committed atrocities against the people by killing
politicians and the public. The government of Canada, Toronto may order the
parliamentarians like Gary Anandasangaree and Vijay Thanigasalam to care for
the Canadians and not worry about Sri Lanka. They are Canadians and have an
obligation to the Canadian people they have to offer.
I quote and refer ;
Besides participating in
debates in the Chamber and committees, conveying their constituents’ views to
the government and advocating on their behalf, Members also have
responsibilities in many other areas:
§ They act as ombudsmen by providing information to constituents and
resolving problems.
§ They act as legislators by either initiating bills of their own or
proposing amendments to government and other Members’ bills.
§ They develop specialized knowledge in one or more of the policy areas dealt
with by Parliament and propose recommendations to the government.
§ They represent the Parliament of Canada at home and abroad by participating
in international conferences and official visits.
The above are internal acts and do not interfere with foreign affairs. You
have a Foreign Minister who may comment with the approval of the PM. However,
not about genocide etc which is not true and correct.
Sir, Let the Government of Canada educate the Tamil politicians on what
politics is and what their obligation to the Canadian people is.
Yours obediently
Kanthar Balanathan
21st May 2023
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