May 15, 2024


Confused Tamils with Political Power Avidity

By Engr. Kanthar Balanathan

DipEE (UK), GradCert (RelEng-Monash), DipBus&Adm (Finance-Massey), C.Eng., MIEE, 

Former Director of Power Engineering Solutions Pty Ltd, Consulting Electrical Engineers

Leading Engineer of the World 2006, UK Authority Award


The author of this article has done research into the Ceylon/Sri Lankan events that happened from 1505 to 1983. As I am going beyond 81+, this will be my last paper and leave the remains to the racist/ unwise imprudent, irrational, caste-conscious Tamils.


Let us discuss the confused state of the minds of the Tamils to grab power, building castles in the ionosphere. To discuss this we have to go back to Ponnambalam Ramanathan period.

·       The three kingdoms were merged to form one by the British and declared as “Ceylon” in 1833. Tamils did not object to this merger.

·       Legislative Council was established in 1833.

·       (Ref:

The attached excerpts of the book detail the events that happened in Ceylon. Book Ref: ISBN- 0-86232-198-0, ISBN 86232-199-9-Pbk. The Kandyan National Assembly requested a federal system of government. (Ref: The national question and the Tamil liberation struggle by Satchi Ponnambalam  pp51). Some Kandyan and the Tamils wanted the continuation of the British rule to prevent a low country Sinhalese domination. This book can be purchased from Tamil Information Centre, Surrey, UK


To appease the Kandyan Sinhalese SWRD Bandaranaike, in 1926 wrote in favour of a Federal structure for Ceylon. Ref: The National Question and the Tamil Liberation Struggle by Satchi Ponnambalam pp50). The Tamils did not have the intelligence or vision of their future. Satchi Ponnambalam is a JUDGE)


The Tamil politicians and Ponnambalam Ramanathan who is thought to be the visionary and a gull of the British failed because of the extreme caste consciousness and the oppressive mind the elites had against Tamil low castes. SJVC was elected to parliament in 1947.


Knowing the history of Ceylon as above, do not we know that the previous regime politicians from the state assembly downwards because of their, lack of intelligence, attitude, perception, and failure in their mind to think about national Tamil solidarity. The author judges that right from Ponnambalam Ramanathan downward are clueless on political science and social integration. Who is at fault now: The Sinhalese or the Tamils? Well, the TAMILS were at Fault.


The lack of social integration, Human integration, and social inclusion led the Tamil elites to vote to disfranchise the estate of Tamils in Ceylon. I cannot just understand what GGP, Kanagaratnam and Nalliah’s minds were filled with when they voted to disfranchise.


Current Affairs


The imprudent Tamils are now in the process of choosing a candidate for common Candidate to stand for the Presidential election. All the imprudent in the civil committee will be putting their two cents worth to show that they are champions in politics. These CCs may not understand the consequential damages they will do to their people. Tamil common candidate is a laughing matter.




The country needs Ranil Wickremasinghe (RW), as RW has proved his capability within the time that RW was in power.


The judgement is that most Tamils think and have a superiority complex that he/she is worth more than two cents and they are mature in politics, while the truth is that most of the Tamils have a megalomaniac attitude and uppishness. Well, to be true; this is the last chance and if you miss it then the island should be a Sinhala nation. Sinhalese citizens are much more worthy and better people than the Tamils. Bring RW back as President.


The true better politicians among the Tamils who understand what “Tactical & Diplomacy” means are as follows:

Douglas Devananda, MAS Sumanthiran, CV Wigneswaran, Sambanthar, Manivannan, Angajan Ramanathan, and can be noted as Role models.

Politicians should also be Tacticians and Diplomats.


We are in the 21st century and what moral & beneficial does the caste differential bring to the people?


The errors made by LTTE:


1.     The assassination of politicians, ministers, Tamil civilians.

2.     Made more of the Tamil irrationals to give birth to more terrorist groups.

3.     Destroyed assets in the North, East and West.

4.     Killed and drove Muslims from Jaffna which is considered barbarism and brutality against its cousins. Muslims speak better Tamil than Tamils.

5.     LTTE lived and grew on Indian soil fed by India.

6.     During the Non-alignment Movement (NAM 1986), the late PM Rajiv Gandhi came over to the Zimbabwean radio and said, “I do not know what the Sri Lankan Government wants”.

7.     India proposed PCs in 1987 after the NAM. LTTE leader opposed it. Remember LTTE and other groups were living in Tamil Nadu eating their food.

8.     India sent IPKF to SL. However, LTTE waged war with IPKF which was considered resistant and insubordination.

9.     Very Serious: LTTE assassinated Rajiv Ghandi which was perfidy.

10.  Established a power base in Mullivaykal and manufactured heavy weapons. Which of the countries would allow terrorists to manufacture heavy weapons in their backyard?


The cause for these acts LTTE says was the racial riots in 1958, 1977, and 1983.


The Sinhalese people in the South should also know that Tamils are their cousins in SL, and they should be treated well, not murdered. Every race in SL should know what social inclusion and social integration mean.


The Tamil common candidate theory shall be disregarded and removed for the country's growth and to avoid facing the majority's annoyance and opposition, as the move can be counterproductive.


Tamil Diaspora (uneducated) who stole LTTE funds shall not be involved in Sri Lankan politics in SL.


If the people in SL want an economically and technologically growing republic, then they should support and bring Ranil Wickremasinghe back as the President.

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