Aug 27, 2023


Flux Probe Vs Thermal Rise test on large Turbogenerators

By Engr. Kanthar Balanathan

DipEE (UK), GradCert (RelEng-Monash), DipBus&Adm (Finance-Massey), C.Eng., MIEE, 

Former Director of Power Engineering Solutions Pty Ltd, Consulting Electrical Engineers

Leading Engineer of the World 2006, UK Authority Award


1.     General          


The author, engineer (A) joined a thermal power station as a Senior Engineer in Sept 1998. The station had a combination of thermal, gas turbines, and combined cycle plants. After meeting the staff, the engineer went on a walk around the station to acquaint himself of the plant. The author has extensive experience on thermal generators, Gas Turbine generators and large HV motors and Transformers. As he was ging towards Unit one he observed a consultant who had a PhD doing a temperature rise test.


2.     Plant


The PhD said that he is testing the Unit for rotor short turns by doing the temperature rise test.


3.     Issues


We SriLankan engineers although we did not have sophisticated test gear in SL in the 70s, we had our own way of testing for vibration detection unless it requires advanced testing, then the owners will get down foreign experts with sophisticated equipment. The author decided his Sri Lankan method and found out the Unit had vibration. He checked the Bentley Nevada computer screen, and the vibration was above normal.


With some doubts the engineer checked the Pedestal on the excitation side of the generator. He was not satisfied because he thought that there was vibration on the pedestal and decided that it could be a “soft Footing” issue. After analysing he decided to check the Unit file. The unit file had some interesting information. The unit had been installed with Flux Probe (FP). The flux probe is similar to the RSO test where the probe will detect a rotor short of turns. The Unit had the FP wired out to a rf TB.


The engineer then decided to download a series of samples at various loads the following days after the Consultant had finished his work. The flux probe was invented by Generatortech, Inc in Ohio. 


The engineer analysed the samples and found that there was no indication of rotor short of turn. The engineer called Ohio and discussed with Mr. David Albright (DA) who was the inventor of the FB. Those who are interested in knowing more please refer to site given below. After discussion the Director asked me to send samples at various loads and he will analyse and send a reply. The Technical Manager was a mechanical engineer with an additional mechanical engineer supporting him. The engineer attempted to explain the Station Manager, Tech Manager. None of them would agree and finally spoke to the Operations Manager who had a Physics degree (Special) and he agreed. Finally, all agreed to carry out a vibration test on the pedestal and based on the results came to conclusion that the pedestal has a “soft footing”. BY this time the engineer (A) had decided what the real issue was. The previous year (Latter part of the year) the unit had undergone a rotor refit of rewedging, and the unit had new BN gear fitted. The engineer (A) concluded that one or two wedge may be tight fitted which may have caused minor thermal bowing and the soft footing has caused the vibration. The engineer (A) checked with EPRI reports and found out that in 1964 a generator in California had similar incident of vibration. The engineer was already given access to EPRI by the Station.


The company invited an engineer from Bentley Nevada who came and did the same temperature rise test. After all, the engineer invited the BN engineer for a meeting at midnight. The discussion was on pros and cons and the engineer (A) explained with refence to EPRI. Both agreed and the SM was conveyed. The Eng. (A) was asked to submit a report to the GM.


The rotor was sent to the workshops for refitting with the same rotor bars but with new insulation. The engineer wanted to be at site when the remove the bars. One bar was found to have foreign body which caused the tightness.


At site, they found the pedestal base concrete foundation breaking like biscuits.


The unit was repaired and reinstalled and was online with no vibration. The engineer (A) has photocopies of all related matters and was happy that he was correct. The engineer was allowed to practice as an Electrical and mechanical engineer by the professional body in the UK.  The engineer had published a book also on power systems. Also, the credibility and competency of the SriLankan engineers in Power Systems.





Cause of pedestal vibration


Foundation degradation Bearing pedestal stiffness Natural frequency excitation.


Thank you,



Aug 22, 2023


Open Letter to the Southern Sri Lankans.

By Engr. Kanthar Balanathan

DipEE (UK), GradCert (RelEng-Monash), DipBus&Adm (Finance-Massey), C.Eng., MIEE, 

Former Director of Power Engineering Solutions Pty Ltd, Consulting Electrical Engineers

Leading Engineer of the World 2006, UK Authority Award




This article is scripted with a focus on innovative, creative, inventive, flexible, and productive perspectives for the Sri Lankans to cognise and apprehend to make Sri Lanka a prosperous and scientific state for growth. People also must not focus everything on a political perspective. Today the majority of educated people are leaving SL for wealth and money which can be earned in SL with mental satisfaction in their community.

There is no point in people just blaming the President (RW) as the whole legislature forum and the 22 million people should be incarnate with the President. Every MP is corrupt and involved in bribery and corruption to accumulate wealth for his election victory.

The author, though born in Manipay, Jaffna, grew up in Kamburupitiya and Matara, and lived in several countries, and hence the experience gathered makes the person judge the Sri Lankan mass.



When SL received its independence from the British, the then leader D.S. Senanayake, had a strong focus on Structural Transformation and step by step he wanted SL to grow. Initially, the country had skilled human resources for agrarian services which DSS wanted to exploit. However, later SWRD Bandaranaike introduced the racial conflict by bringing the language policy which created a vacuum for the production. SWRDB’ s language policy did not improve the economic status of the country but annulled the growth. Since 1956, the productivity of the agrarian sector started to decline as people were focused on government jobs and overseas jobs. People started to shout, ‘අපේ ආණ්ඩුව”. This was due to the lack of knowledge and understanding by the people on the economics and production possibilities curve. What is PPC?

Quote: The production possibilities curve (PPC) is a graph that shows all of the different combinations of output that can be produced given current resources and technology. Sometimes called the production possibilities frontier (PPF), the PPC illustrates scarcity and trade-offs.

The lack of understanding of economics by the then politicians led the country to seek aid for the supply of agrarian products from China and India.

The author would like to refer readers to refer the following book: ANCIENT CEYLON, An Account of the Aborigines and of Part of the Early Civilisation. BY, H. PARKER, Late of the Irrigation Department, Ceylon, WITH ILLUSTRATIONS BY THE AUTHOR, LONDON


The Kings of SL in the early centuries had a focus on agrarian services as an initial priority. It was marvellous for the Southern kings with no degree or diploma to have focussed on priorities. The book will explain what the author is endeavouring to explain. Readers can download or read the book from:

As time passed by people forgot their priorities and with their zealous eagerness wanted easy jobs and luxury goods at low cost with no understanding of how the GOSL can import them with no FOREX.

The Sri Lankan culture has been that they are champions in bribery and corruption with maximum topping up in the political sector. We are aware now of how the economy drooped down to zero FOREX from 2004 to 2019. As of today, our strength should be on agrarian products and subsequently go through an industrial revolution. Although we started to move into the industrial sector, SL had the avidity with no proper planning on investment analysis. Personal interests began conflicting with the budget and finances along with the bribery and corruption by the executives and politicians.

DSS philosophy of United National Party (එක්සත් ජාතික පක්ෂය) for the political platform was quite positive and effective to unite the people for growth. What we need is Unity and not discord/disharmony. However, the politicians who deliberated later had their political philosophy twisted on racist ideologies which were triggered by the Tamil politicians (particularly by SJV Chelvanayagam).

Economy & Forex

The Central Bank is the nerve Centre of a country, and the organisation should be left to operate by itself with guidance on plans from the government. SL had a bad reputation for interfering with the CB by powerful politicians in the past and hence corrupt administration. The priorities were not defined then, however, now CB has prioritised imports and exports.

Citizens should follow the CB papers weekly to know the inflation and price indexes etc. Citizens should have some knowledge of economics and finances rather than wanting everything free on their table. CB has a good team headed by Dr Nandalal Weerasinghe to operate the CB.

Sri Lanka also has a good dynamic leader to govern SL, and that is Hon Mr Ranil Wickramasinghe. Those individuals who criticise the President should know whether they could have managed the country’s economy when we went down on FOREX. Everyone howls like animals with a lack of understanding of economics and politics with avidity for power. Those who want to enjoy power without knowledge of politics are howling against the President. Why not corporate and give a helping hand like mature politicians? Wimal Weerawansa is another joker who has absolutely no knowledge of economics, but racial politics like SWRDB only. He cannot understand that racism in the 21st century will not make progress. The same goes for the Tamils and the Tamil attorneys. Could anyone else in SL would have resurrected the country after the fall of FOREX in 2019, but RW, our president?

As far as the Tamis are concerned the good leaders as of now are Duglas Devananda, Jeevan Thondaman, Angajan Ramanathan and maybe Arun Siddharth. Let the Tamil population support these politicians and see the progress. Casteism does not bring progress and development. Tamils should know that. Sri Lankan can see the way the three TriStar’s are steering through the political platform, particularly, DD and JT. However, what are the old folks like Sambanthar and CVV steering for? Power sharing, but not work for progress and development.

Sambanthar & Co can survive without food; however, they are unable to survive without power. Why do they want power? Because then they can oppress and discriminate against the poor lower and middle-caste Tamils. At the moment those Tamils are doing well which the Tamil elites are unable to digest.  What difference will it make with power to the Tamils? Since Tamils are unable to oppress the lower-class Tamils at home, now they are discriminating against Tamils overseas. It's crystal clear with the Tamil diaspora. Every temple, organisation and forum are managed by foolish elite doctors. These old folks’ politicians are steering the diaspora organisations like BTF, GTF, TGTE, etc to work and campaign against SL.

The country's economy is not satisfactory and there is no need for Provincial Council administration. Sri Lanka is a small country. Maybe, the Provincial Governor position could be changed to an elected position. The constitution could be amended to reflect the changes. Sri Lanka does not need a provincial government but can manage with an elected Governor for each province. The old fools like Sambanthar, CVV & Co should leave politics and let the young ones take over the politics.


People should understand what the priorities are: Agriculture is fundamental and let the Sri Lankans embark on making the country self-sufficient rather than aspiring for electric cars. Well, if you have the knowledge and resources, then make your cars. Find an alternative to gas cooking to suit our culture. Don’t aspire for iPhone 15, but normal mobile phones to fall within our Forex. Do not aspire to what Americans have but what is available in SL. If not make your own by invention, creativity, innovation etc.

Fighting for religion is a waste in the 21st century. SL has been a Buddhist country since Sangamitta came to SL. Tamil are wasting their energy and time for nothing. Lord Shiva or Buddha is not going to provide Forex. You have to earn your Forex. Professional institutions should develop a Code of Conduct and By-Laws for their members for behaviour in society. Kanagaratnam Sugash had set a bad example to all Attorneys.

Uneducated politicians should shut their mouths and not waste their energy but join the president for progress.

Sri Lankans should give up their mindset of Low-Country Sinhalese and Up-country Sinhalese. It's only one Sinhalese. Sri Lankan Sinhalese. The nationality is Sri Lankan.



The Sri Lankan community's weakness is that everyone wants everything free from the government. People do not want to pay taxes. Where can the government find money to provide people with free goods? People also work fewer hours with low output and exit from the workplace before closing time. Most of the microenterprises were informal and is not registered with the government.

       i.          Most of the uneducated Sri Lankan Diaspora from the Southern sector complain as follows: “You know Ranil is not doing anything No!”. These questions come from the mouths of Southern Sri Lankan Coolies abroad with no understanding of economics.  My question from them was: “OK, what is Ranil not doing and what do you want Ranil to do?” How was SL in 2019 and how is it now? 22 million people and the GOSL parliament should corporate with the President to bring up the Sri Lankan economy, not just one person. They have no answers. They show a blank face. These foolish questions come from the mouths of Coolie diaspora, and it passes from mouth to mouth.

     ii.          People should know about economics, accounting, politics, and technology to analyse.

   iii.          What happens now is that every politician wants to blame the President due to power hunger.

   iv.          Most people now know that Ranil is a capable person/politician and an economist to keep SL moving.


       i.          Threats come from foolish politicians who have avidity for power and have no knowledge of how to boost the economy.

     ii.          Tamil politicians have a recorded version, to have the Provincial Council elections. They have no understanding of the advantages and disadvantages of PCs. The question is: Will productivity, export, Forex, and economy improve when the PCs start to operate? The experience is between 2013 to 2019.

   iii.          Tamils do not understand that the PCs will harm the economy, proliferating bribery, and corruption more than 55+ times.

    iv.          Different sectors claim different demands which can deteriorate the economy. Provincial Council governance is a waste for SL now due to the economic condition.

      v.          Different politicians want luxury imports, with no knowledge of how and where to get the Forex.

    vi.          After 75 years of independence, we could assess how our country's economy has deteriorated.


       i.          The Southern sector is a breathtaking, astonishing land for agrarian productivity. People should focus on agrarian services in the southern sector and North Central Province. The Department of Agriculture should operate as an asset to provide advice and the infrastructure for production, like channel maintenance, gate maintenance etc. The DOA could provide leaflets to the community centres. Ministers shall not interfere with imports of Fertilisers. There are several rivers in SL.

     ii.          People shall develop skills. Multiskilling may not be required with low in-house knowledge.

   iii.          The government shall not get involved with Geopolitics.


If a person wants to complain, then he/she shall submit a memorandum to his political representative or a group of people to the minister as follows:

·       Identify a problem.

·       Describe the problem.

·       Describe how it affects the economy and the populace.

·       Describe the Root Cause of the Problem.

·       If possible, recommend a solution/solutions.

·       If there are several problems, then prioritise the solutions.


·       Prioritise items/equipment on imports.

·       Prioritise projects as per demand.

Since 1948:

1949    -Tamils wanted Federalism

Then Thamil Eelam

Now PC elections.


Selvam Adaikkalanathan is a bluffer moving on simple harmonic motion. He knows that he is leading a mass of uneducated people and fooled the people with Thamil Eelam in the past, and now embarked on PC elections. How has he contributed to the economy and technology of SL?


It appears that Sri Lankan Tamils and the politicians have decided to destroy Sri Lanka through their diaspora organisations, and they are working with their detrimental culprit philosophy. Do not they know the real situation in SL? Do not they know how the political system should be in SL? Do not know how to live cohesively. Does not their foolish brain understand what they are doing (harm) to SL?


Let them not get involved in Geopolitics.







Aug 10, 2023


British Tamil Forum- Unfounded, Irrational Tamils in the UK

By Engr. Kanthar Balanathan

DipEE (UK), GradCert (RelEng-Monash), DipBus&Adm (Finance-Massey), C.Eng., MIEE,  

Former Director of Power Engineering Solutions Pty Ltd, Consulting Electrical Engineers Leading Engineer of the World 2006, UK Authority Award


1.     General 


This article is published to record the sick mind of the Tamils who engage in sick activities, misleading the foreign policy of overseas countries and sucking in for their personal needs. BTF also played an important role in the Geopolitics masterminded by a powerful nation destroying countries like SL. It is a crime that BTF played within the Geopolitics in terms of Humanism.


2.     Objectives


What were the objectives of the BTF when it was formed? Father Emanuel, who is expected by the

Catholic Community to preach the good and the bad of Catholicism deviated from the mission of the Catholic principles and engaged in publicising the terrorist principles of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE). 





This is a typical example of the Tamils who have a sick mind of a megalomaniac character who looks for cheap publicity for promotion and to achieve power. The earlier the disappearance of the TNA is better for the Tamils in the North. The earlier the disappearance of the Tamils from the North is better for Sri Lanka. The advocacy of the Terrorist V. Prabakaran (VP) was for the Tamils to take Boats and go abroad and fight for Tamil Eelam. VP is a maniac and has a corroded brain with no neural activity. It appears that the Tamils in Britain also have less neural activity and no perception but are eager for distortion in philosophy. Every year Tamils overseas raise protests on days of May, June, July, and unknown fellows' death days etc. Recently in July 2023, Tamils took on to the roads of London with LTTE flags and shouting & protesting “Black July”.


Who are these people? Do they work and contribute to the economy of the U.K.? 

i.            What is the objective of these protests every year?

ii.          Psychologically do these protests give satisfaction to psychiatric patients or ...?

iii.        Are these people Tradies, Professionals or Coolies? iv.       Do they work or are they on DOLE?

v.       Do they think that there will be any benefits? vi.   Can they bring back those dead?

vii.          Is the reason for this hidden behind “Tamil Eelam”?

viii.        Where can they have the Eelam, In the Jaffna Lagoon? ix.      Is someone paying these people to come and protest?

x.              Or is this part of the Geopolitical program to destroy SL?

xi.            Who are these people?

xii.          Are they from Valvettiturai origin?


Well going back to 1948, can you all confirm that you have done some useful development apart from Satyagraha, protests, violence, terrorism, destruction etc? For the last 75 years, Tamils in SL have been practising terrorism, destruction, the genocide of the Sinhalese and their own Tamils, and forcing Tamils to take boats.


Don’t the BTF think that Tamils are a liability to the UK and not an asset? Well, Tamils in SL is a Liability to the whole economy of SL.


Would you agree that 80% of the Sinhalese can speak English and 80% of the Tamils cannot speak English? Even those who are in the UK, how many of them can speak English? What is the root cause of this weakness? Today the Sinhalese people are quite intelligent, sensitive, observant, and sharp than the Tamils everywhere. The mindset of the bush Tamils is to speak Tamil and concreted to Tamil language and are always racial. Tamils do not understand what “Cohesive living” means. My dear friends: There are no races in Sri Lanka, but does the term “Nationality” means anything to you all? There is only one nationality in SL and that is “Sri Lankan”. Quite soon, the Tamils in the UK may be subjected to arrests and violence. The British cannot tolerate the atrocities of the Tamils in the UK. Only cheap politicians in the UK may cling to the Separatists' notion of votes. The Canadian government is so weak under democracy and is giving in to the Tamils for Votes which may end up with violence.


After NAM-1986, the late Hon Rajiv Gandi and JRJ introduced the Provincial Councils. Were the Tamils able to utilise the powers given to the PC for development but were focussed on propaganda for the next election? Only incompetent nincompoops were elected to the PCs. During the term, the PC politicians were focused on bribery and corruption and advertising themselves. Ananthi Sasitharan: a person of a let-down, washout calibre becoming a politician engaged in corrupt practice. Do you all think that Tamils are better than the Rajapaksas in terms of bribery and corruption? Don’t the Tamils know what “motivation, creativity, innovation, means and cannot they apply the principles? Every fool wants to go abroad. Today Tamils have a University in Jaffna. What are they using the University for? For propaganda and protests which do not relate to the University education, for appreciation of knowledge and capacity. Does the University have a code of conduct and Bylaws for students?

 There is only one nationality in SL and that is Sri Lankan. The old laughingstocks like Sambanthar, Vigneswaran, and Mavai will take the Tamils for a free ride at the expense of the Sri Lankan economy. Tamils are more interested in dominance via the caste system for governance. How many times do you all observe Death Remembrance Day per year? Cannot you all have one good day for the remembrance of all the dead? What benefit does it accrue for people in Europe the UK, and Canada to observe and protest?

 As of now, Sri Lanka cannot have the PC governance system due to the economic downfall. Sri Lanka shall continue with the old, (i) Central government and (ii) Local government system, until Tamils become matured. The earlier the Jaffna disappears, is better for the rest of the people in SL. The earlier Tamils disappear from SL, the better for the nation. The liability will be shifted to the new nations. 

வெளிெந்தது Please view the corrupt practice of the BTF: அதிர்ச்சிதரும் ஆதாரங்கள் 

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