Feb 16, 2023


Open Letter to the Chief Minister of Thamizhaham (TN-India)

By Engr. Kanthar Balanathan

DipEE (UK), GradCert (RelEng-Monash), DipBus&Adm (Finance-Massey), C.Eng., MIEE, 

Former Director of Power Engineering Solutions Pty Ltd, Consulting Electrical Engineers


With due respect to the Chief Minister, Mr MK Stalin, the son of a great writer/politician in India, Mr M. Karunanithi, I would like to point out that some people who are not in politics, or any other discipline in TN are involved in fashioning stories to disturb the peace in India and Sri Lanka and the Tamils overall. The purpose of creating these stories is not clear to the common mass.


Mr Pala Nedumaran, of Madurai, was speculating that Prabakaran was alive after the war in 2009, and repeatedly in the years, 2010, 2012 and so on. No one knows the reason for this act by Nedumaran.


It can now be construed that he is acting on the instruction of those who are opposed to the growth of India, TN, and Sri Lanka. It is not my intention to speculate who they are. However, there is a time that a citizen of a country should be patriotic and abide by the laws of the country.


Tamils as they historically have no vision and mission, engaged in forming associations, congresses, Forums etc to collect the money have reached the end of their act. Some of the forums have been closed and become inactive. Some Tamils reached India in Tamil Nadu (Thamizhaham) for safe heaven and are enjoying their life while Tamils in Sri Lanka are economically suffering. Most Tamils who are crooks in nature have collected money and acquired more wealth and they have shut their vocals and acts.


In, Sri Lanka, some of the politicians like the Rajapaksas have swept more wealth and now thinking of leaving politics.


Sir, addressing the act of Mr Nedumaran: What is the objective of such a new story that Prabakaran is alive? Mr Kasi Ananthan is by the side of Nedumaran supporting this story. People like Seeman are trying to attain political popularity through the Sri Lankan Tamil question.


1.     Is Nedumaran trying to pose a threat to the Sri Lankan administration by stating that Prabakaran is alive?

2.     Or is he trying to help the Tamil crooks (diaspora) to collect money to acquire more wealth and distribute it among themselves?

3.     Or Intimidate the Sri Lankan military? This act is foolish because the entire balance system will be disturbed, and the peace will be disturbed.

4.     Or is he helping the diaspora forums?

5.     The GTF, Father Emanuel should confine himself to promoting religious beliefs and not terrorism.

Sir, at this stage, it is a belief that Nedumaran is trying to upset the balance, and progressive development of India, and some countries may be behind this act. India is coming up in her abreast of technological advancement along with IT. People like Nedumaran, Kasi Ananthan, Seeman, and Vaiko are not capable of understanding this technology and its effect on society. They only understand power, wealth, and popularity.


Sir, you are being the Chief Minister who is responsible for the security and peace of TN, are kindly requested to order the “Q” branch to pay a visit and interrogate Nedumaran and Co.



People in Sri Lanka are suffering from a lack of money, medicine, food transport etc, and you are aware of this because you have helped SL. Tamils constitute only 11.1% of the total population and please understand whether the 11.1% should be the cause for the suffering of the balance 88.9%  percentage of the people in SL.


Demographics of Sri Lanka. (2023, February 14). In Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographics_of_Sri_Lanka


It is kindly requested from the CM put an end to this false propagation of “Prabakaran is alive”.


Prabakaran in 2008 was inactive suffering from a complex of serious health disorders according to the media. He was suffering from BP, Sugar, Bi-Polar disorder etc. As people say, Prabakaran was not intellectual and intelligent. He can only shoot to kill people.


It is a school of thought that Nedumaran & Co are trying to disturb the balance and development of India as a country. This is not the time to play dirty politics.


Thank you, Sir.

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