Sep 13, 2022

                      Ethnic, Subornment, and Debauchery Practice in SriLanka

Engr. Kanthar Balanathan

DipEE(UK), Grad.Cert.(Rel. Eng-Monash) DipBusAdm(Finance-Massey), C.Eng., MIEE



1.     Introduction


This article is published to unravel the Root Cause of the economic downfall in Sri Lanka. Readers shall read this article and do research by surfing textbooks and the internet and interpreting and analyzing the practice that prevailed in SL.


Cognitive science is an area SL politicians should read and recommend that all politicians must consult a psychiatrist to confirm the weakness in their minds. This statement is made as the author feels that the people in SL are weak in their minds and strengthened focus in one sector. This statement is made as more than twenty million people in SL delegate their lives to these few politicians. The minority of the group may suffer from feeling anxious in certain situations that can help them avoid danger, triggering our 'fight or flight response.


Quote: To explain what cognitive science means: Cognitive Science embodies the traditional historical disciplines of Neuroscience, psychology, linguistics and philosophy and computer science. The objective of cognitive science is to understand the principles of intelligence that will lead to comprehension of the mind and learning.

The writer’s thoughts: Humans perceive different effects of the same state, as perceptions vary from person to person. People assign different meanings to what they perceive, which leads to conflicts.  

The world knows the history of bribery and corruption practiced by countries. The corruption perception index can be read from his website. (Please refer for knowledge).  2021 Corruption Perceptions Index - Explore the… -


Corruption is a crime committed by officials (public or private) abusing their role to procure gain for themselves or somebody else. Several forms of corruption exist bribery, embezzlement, and abuse of power, just to name a few.

Argentina and Greece somersaulted on zero dollars and bankruptcy in the 20th century. Sri Lanka followed the two in the 21st century. People say that Greece had a fall as a result of its political ideology and the laziness of its citizens.

Sri Lanka had blown its trumpet to expose that they are the champions of bribery and corruption, by lowering their assets to “Zero dollars, zero medicines, zero fuel, and food items. Sri Lanka had leveled its ranking at 102 with a score of 37, the same as Kazakhstan.

2.     Professor Ricardo Hausmann

Professor Ricardo Hausmann is a world-renowned Specialist in Economics and had published articles and presented courses. The Professor facilitated the conference organized by the then PM Mr. Ranil Wickremasinghe in 2015. Professor’s lectures can be found in (1) Ricardo Hausmann - The Collapse of Economies - Bing video, (2)


Inhouse knowledge, know-how and Expertise are fundamental prerequisites for the people in a country. It is requested that everyone who reads this article, please visit Professor Ricardo Hausmann’s web pages and read the Professor’s articles and view his videos to augment knowledge in economics and the requirements for a country to develop and sustain itself. Inhouse knowledge of Economics is essential for better stable practice.



3.     Sri Lanka- Root Cause of Economic Downfall


3.1 Post-1970, when Srimavo Bandaranaike assumed power as the PM, SL faced the same situation of near bankruptcy with no rice and sugar etc. The PM had two intellects in her cabinet. (i) Dr. NM Perera, (ii) Dr. Colvin R. de Silva. Dr Perera was an intellectual. Srimavo was able to regain her financial stability within a few years. However, the current situation is that no one understands “Economics” except professors. The military personnel who are supposed to protect the sovereignty of SL via protecting its borders are occupying chairs of the government as “Chairman”, “Secretary” etc, with absolutely no understanding of what they are in charge of.


3.2 Professor K. Amirthalingham is a highly qualified and intellectual economist at Colombo University. The government could use the intellectuality and knowledge of the Professor. However, power comes into play. The imbecilic MPs and Ministers may think that they know more than the Professors.


3.3 Various causes could be attributed to Sri Lankan economic downfall. Each cause could be categorized and given a score. In a backward third-world country like Sri Lanka, although the human resources have low-level expertise, they have to expand their knowledge by attending professional training courses, which is critical, however, Sri Lanka does not advocate such training for engineers and economists and financial staff. This is a critical downfall in Sri Lanka’s human resource management. Professional institutions must demand such professional competency by attending training courses.

4.     Unity

a)    Addressing 74 years of post-independence operation, we find that the Cabinet ministers are not united for the reason of their greediness for power & wealth. The majority of the Ministers were not educated at the GCE (O) level. Currently, the parliament has 94 politicians who are qualified to (o) Level only. Their eagerness is to form a new political party to gain access to the coalition and get a ministerial portfolio. SriLanka is flourished with 79 political parties for a population of 21,543,507 as of Wednesday, December 15, 2021. It is a chuckling matter to observe such panicking different views of politicians/ people.

b)    Unity among politicians and people is non-existent. It’s a different view people have. Why would 21 million people in a country have different ideologies?

c)     Unity among citizens is deficient. Racism, Religious differential, Fundamentalism, know-how, caste differential, domiciliated area differential, human rights violation, knowledge of democracy, etc is nonexistent in Sri Lanka. This leads to a difference of opinion and conflicts, resulting in forming new parties, violence, etc. During the 74 years of post-independence operation, Sri Lanka had six racial violence killings of Tamils and Muslims and one pogrom between 2005 and 2009 killing Tamils.

d)    Innovation, Creativity, motivation, in-house knowledge, reliability, flexibility, effectiveness, and efficiency is absent among the citizens and politicians. A few Tamils in the North are researching effectively to invent alternative ways of resources to prepare food with no Carbon deposits on pots and pans. At least an attempt with limitations.

e)    Politicians have limited knowledge in the areas of governance. Politicians are interested in getting votes, which drives them to collateral form. Politicians have to give money for each vote to the voters, which drives them back to enter into bribery and corruption. The excuse politicians give the people is: “I spent so many millions for the election by giving the voters, and I have to get it back”.

f)      SL has a constitution. However, the constitution is not observed and followed. The three arms of governance are not independent. The Executive interferes in other areas of governance.

g)    Central Bank (CB) (Reserve Bank) The CB shall be an independent body to function as the neural nerve center to control foreign reserves. However, politicians and ministers interfere by giving orders to release foreign funds for the purchase of their choice. The Cabinet decides to purchase cars for the MPs which needs foreign funds. Some ministers of the dynasty will order the release of foreign money for their interests. This leads educated citizens to presume that they are governed by imbeciles. This is a misuse of parliamentary power.

h)    Knowhow and in-house knowledge: The head of a section, department, or government shall be fully conversant with his duties. What prevails in Sri Lanka is appointing imbecilic like Namal Rajapaksa, Cabraal, Wimal Weerawansa etc as ministers who do not know their duties. A person like Gotabaya Rajapaksa (GR) as President does not know his duties. He was responsible for the mass murder of thousands of JVP youths in 1989.  GR His specialty is killing as a soldier. However, there can be an argument as to whether a leftist government can do better for Sri Lanka or competition can do better. The 75% downfall of the economic collapse is due to GR.


5.     Agrarian Race


Sri Lanka was an agrarian society historically. The kings in the South have built reservoirs and dams to conserve water for irrigation. DS Senanayaka focussed on structural transformation in the 40s. Quote: Structural transformation is the process by which low-income societies, in which agriculture absorbs most labor and generates the most economic output, become high-income societies characterized by a relatively smaller but more productive agricultural sector.


SL is not an advanced country to produce computers, cars and motorcycles, and high-tech equipment. People’s basic diet is rice and curry. SL cannot import rice. SL has to observe countries like Thailand, China, Cambodia, and the South-East nations and produce the requisite commodities. In terms of behavioral economics, the people and the governing staff missed the key elements of their fundamentals, like food travel, job,s etc. As time goes the country copied the rest of the advanced world and tried to copy them with a lack of resources. The government forgot the importance of agriculture, both farming and fishing. Everyone wanted a white-collar job. Srimavo’s standardization made Tamil and Sinhala youths go abroad and not return. Those who returned copied the western world. As a cumulative effect, the agricultural focus was lost. Those who had “O” Levels also wanted a white-collar job or entered politics.


Please refer to the attached letter written to the Director of the Northern Division of Agriculture. The agricultural department has several staff for the functions. What is pointed out here is just an example. I come from this village. (i) The channel from the reservoir has not been maintained. Well, never is the word. The channel is full of shrubs and trees. (ii) The sluice gate has never been maintained. It is a wonder how the department would have done their flood control and water distribution to the fields. Does it mean this involved bribery and corruption? The writer remembers a Civil engineer who worked with the Water Corporation in Nigeria. He was named “Casual Shun”, purely because he was involved with the corruption of claiming that his team had more casual workers when there were only a few. The extra money went into his pocket. A question: How do the PWD, “Overseers” become rich in the PWD. Is this the way Ananthi Sasitharan claimed money for her campaign? She is the wife of a freedom fighter. It’s a shame if this is true. She should be kicked out of politics.


No wonder agriculture has fallen and the people are forced into an era of insufficient food period. The main cause is the politicians not campaigning for food production.


6.     Imports Vs Exports

Sri Lankan politicians have an attitude of feeling that politicians who serve the people should get everything free irrespective of the country’s economic status. Currently, speculation that the GOSL wants to import electric cars. Must be for politicians. During the MR Rajapaksas period from 2005 to 2015, the country was filled with foreign items. These items cost dollars, not come free. The foreign company was allowed to set up an office and sell its products. Cars were imported for politicians. A number o electronic goods were imported, cars, motorcycles, autos, etc. No one had an account of the imports and exports. Finally, the imports were more than the exports. The High Commission and its staff did nothing to campaign for their products. They enjoyed their luxurious life. Governments have foreign offices such as the High Commission to export their products. The HC staff (some) were only interested in spying for LTTE operatives and raising anti-Tamil slogans. Under the slogan patriotism, the Sinhala associations missed the bus by campaigning against the Tamil Diaspora. The Sinhala Diaspora never focussed on Sri Lanka’s economic forthcoming problems. Well, they did not have a vision and mission for the problem. Today they are campaigning for the Tamils to send money to SL. What a joke?Igh commissions and their staff did nothing to campaign for theirproducts.


7.     Central Bank


7.1 The CB is a nerve centre for a country. They decide on all financial matters. In 2015, Arjuna Mahendran was appointed Governor of the CB. During that period Ravi Karunanayake was the minister of finance. Arjuna Mahendran’s son-in-law bought the bond for twenty billion dollars. It may be that they borrowed money from the BOC and covered it with dollars to pay the CB. The question now arises: How will Sri Lanka pay the twenty billion dollars when it matures. Go for collateral? Maybe the cunning idea of Arjuna Mahendran.

7.2 There are hidden secrets of CB dealing and MR Rajapaksa clan and the Cabraal which smuggles dollars out of the country. Only the Auditor General, if he had a backbone can form an investigating team and dig into the secrets. A Court Order should be obtained to investigate the CB dealings on foreign exchange approvals, the 20-billion-dollar bond scam, and any other illegal dealings done by Rajapaksa and Ajith Nivard Cabraal between the period 2005 to 2015. It is presumed that the economic downfall had occurred because of Mahinda Rajapaksa, Namal Rajapaksa, Basil Rajapaksa and Cabraal. MR wanted to shuffle onto Indrajit Kumarasamy, however, IK escaped narrowly. The latest information revealed is that loans obtained for the Hambantota project were never paid into CB. However, interest payments were made by the CB. Serious illegal dealings have been made during this project period.



8.     Status of Tamils


Tamil Politicians are fools. The reason is they are always fooling the people in the N&E, that GOSL should solve their problem. The problem is not power, but survival. People should realize this and try to use bicycles for travel, use firewood for cooking, backyard plantation of edible vegetables, and use Palmyra jaggery and use their knowledge to invent new usable items/equipment. A gentleman used his innovative knowledge and self-motivation to invent biogas for cooking. Do something and do not depend on anyone including the diaspora because the diaspora is suffering in foreign countries. Do not entertain taking Boats to foreign countries as the foreign countries are loaded with Sri Lankan racists.


9.     Conclusion

The main issue in SL is the racial, xenophobia, and ethnic problems. The Sinhalese people are being driven by the yellow-cloth Buddhist Bhikkhus. Even the Sinhalese diaspora are racial-minded and have fear and spend their time spying on the Tamil diaspora. This had made the Sinhalese crowd ignore the economic issues and discounted the economic failure that was to come to SL. In SL the GOSL was busy instigating the Buddhist Bhikkhus in converting the country into a pure Buddhist Sinhala country. To get their support as well as the support of the MPs, imports were more than exports. The High Commissions were busy spying and not addressing the Sri Lankan export propaganda. It was a cumulative chain effect that moth bolled into a catastrophic economic failure. People are finding it difficult to release themselves from the comforts they had all these years with the help of the Diaspora, financially, and hence they want to take a boat. Sri Lankans are cowards, have no patriotism for their country, and do not want to work hard to survive.

Champika Ranawakka, an MP wants the Tamils to come forward and build the entire SL and not only the N&E. He is a coward and has no shame in openly saying that the minority Tamils have the knowledge and courage to build a nation. It’s a true indicator of the Sinhalese’s fear in all spheres.

Finally, the Sinhalese must accept the fact that they are truly incompetent nincompoops, and have no understanding of Human Services management, financial management, resource management, economic management, resource coordination, innovation, creativity, and self-motivation.

At this stage, it is appreciated that India takes over Sri Lanka wholly or partially the N&E, and makes it another state of their republic.


After all, SL was ruled by India anyway.







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