Consequential Cultural Failures Among Tamils
By Engr. Kanthar Balanathan
DipEE (UK),
GradCert (RelEng-Monash), DipBus&Adm (Finance-Massey), C.Eng., MIEE,
Director of Power Engineering Solutions Pty Ltd, Consulting Electrical
Engineer of the World 2006, UK Authority Award
Although I addressed some of the contents of this article in
his previous writings, the author wishes to readdress the topics for neural
coordination for a thorough understanding as any more failure would erase the
Tamil race from this planet.
Recent Entertainment Failure in Jaffna
On the 10th of February 2024, an event was
organised by Indran Pathmanathan, who is supposed to be a millionaire and
married to Ramba from Tamil Nadu. He could not find a Jaffna girl. The root
cause of failure here for the failure is the Tamils take everything for granted
and never analyse and study the risks involved.
It is not the intention to blame anyone, however, the prime
failure here is that the Police Chief for the North (SDIG) should have
questioned the organisers and requested for submission of the programme and the
risks involved. The organisers should have studied the risks and threats
involved, however, looking at Tamil's historical culture, we cannot dispute
that as of now the culture has changed to “rapes, killing, robbing, use of
drugs, cheating” etc. If the Police chief demands a report then the Tamils
are liable to protest that the government is against the Tamils and move for a
Satyagraha etc. That’s Tamil culture. Maybe the organisers are not cleaver to
study and analyse.
The Law enforcement should have studied the risks involved
and ordered the organisers to implement what the Law enforcement ordered them
to do. The police were at the scene, however, they would not have expected the
The organiser chief Indran Pathmanathan should have the brain
and intelligence to think and request the Police Chief to implement certain
items. However, Indran Pathmanathan may not have that intelligent brain and the
IQ to implement certain items. The failure was drastic and knowing the Northern
Tamil culture, being a Tamil it is a confirmation that we (some) Tamils behave
quite badly in SL and overseas.
This is why we need a Sinhala Police Chief and team in the
Just because Indran married Ramba that does not mean he is
great. Who is Ramba to the intelligent crowd in SL? NOTHING.
Hope in the future Law Enforcement orders proper study and
carry out a risk analysis before issuing a licence for any public programme.
What has the new island Chief Sritharan (LTTE) got to say
about this event?
To people like me, it is disgusting, low and sickening.