Nov 30, 2022

 Open Letter to the President, Parliamentarians, and the Intellectuals in

Sri Lanka who believes in Democracy, Unity, and Growth in Sri Lanka

Kanthar Balanathan

DipEE (UK), GradCert (Rel Eng-Monash), DipBus&Adm (Finance-Massey), CEng., MIEE


The population in SriLanka have converted into zealots, extremists, dogmatists and radicals of language and religion and has allotted heavy foundation. Cognitive impairment may influence by language, religion, and racial mind cognition.

What is cognitive impairment? Quote: Cognitive impairment is when a person has trouble remembering, learning new things, concentrating, or making decisions that affect their everyday life.

It is a strong belief that some Sri Lankan politicians from the North, South and underdeveloped areas in Sri Lanka suffer from cognitive impairment. A person like Sambanthar, Senathirajah and elderly candidates may suffer from cognitive impairment. Cognitive impairment may also affect people who retired from force. People from forces stemming on religious and ethnicity beliefs may be affected by cognitive deficit/impairment. A typical example is Sarath Weerasekara; as this gentleman is always deep-rooted in ethnicity, Buddhism, and racism. 21st-century politicians’ goal is to serve the citizens and make the country grow in science, technology, and economics.

An excerpt from my book Sri Lanka Sovereignty democracy and terrorism.

Understanding the Concept of Democracy

In Greek cities, political power was inherited by several large aristocratic families, which controlled large areas in and around Athens. Quote: “Appointment to the supreme offices of state, went by birth and wealth; and they were held at first for life, and afterwards for a term of ten years”. (Ref: Athenian Constitution 3.1 The American School of Classical Studies at Athens-Athenian Agora Excavations)  

Democracy can be traced back to classical Athens in the 6th century BC.  

What is interesting is that, even in this 21st century, appointment to the offices of state, in the third world is made by birth and wealth. Politicians are chosen by birth and wealth. These are executed in the third world under the global glorified lingo, “Democracy”. Sri Lanka, and third-world countries are typical examples for birth and wealth aristocratic appointments to higher offices of the state.  

The term “Democracy” has become ineffectual to the common mass, and the people are taken for a gallop under this lionised term, “Democracy”.  

The literacy rate of the common mass in the third world may not be high. Even if the rate is high, the concentration and focus of the knowledge, may not be ample in political, social, and legal affairs. This is due to people selecting their profession or trade to generate high income.   

The term “Democracy” means “rule, of the people, by the people, for the people”.  This means that citizens of a democracy govern their nation. The fundamental purpose(s) for which people institute a democratic government are the protection of people’s rights, and the promotion of their rights, welfare, and interests. Every citizen has the right to partake in the related political community’s government. Democracy encircles a number of structural elements in the framework. 

What is required to understand the Concept of Democracy? 



Quote: “Perception is an active mental act. It is a dynamic, dialectical conflict between the self-perspective transformation and external vectors of power bearing upon us. That which we perceive is a balance between these antagonists”. (Ref: Understanding Conflict and War: vol. 1: the dynamic psychological field, chapter 11, by R.J. Rummel)  


Humans perceive different effects about the same state, as perceptions vary from person to person. People assign different meanings to what they perceive.  

Although all human males are born with ≈1.5 kg of the brain, not all perceive the same thing in the same perspective, the same way. 


Knowledge is defined as information, proofs, aptitudes, and proficiencies, acquired through involvement and practise, i.e., appreciation of the theoretical and practical training, and understanding of a subject or job. Subject to the person does not suffer from cognitive deficit/impairment.


If we browse the early 20th century, SWRD Bandaranaike was educated at Oxford University, and he was a debater and an orator. By birth, he was an Anglican Christian, and his mother was Daisy Ezine. It could be presumed that somewhere down the line he may have suffered a cognitive deficit and was drawn into racial politics, just to become the Prime Minister. This act may have been through external forces (illiterate Sinhala community) into the delirious mind of the weak SWRDB inflicted with the cognitive deficit and based on personality change or poor judgement.

Since UNP took over governing power, the country was peaceful, however, since SWRDB took over the quarrel started along with SJV Chelvanayagam (SJVC). SJVC was another politician who may have suffered from cognitive impairment as he had an inferiority complex against GG Ponnambalam, and the Sinhalas. SJVC had a shortfall in his perception with scanty planning and raising issues not at the appropriate time.

Since Mahinda Rajapaksa was involved in serious politics, the country’s economy commenced declining. However, he managed to complete some projects with improper planning. E.g., Hambantota harbour, airport etc. There was serious opposition from the Southern illiterates to projects done in the North & East. Thanks to Mahinda R for invigorating the status of road networks in the North & East. However, it may be his cognitive impairment and the greediness for wealth with miscalculation have thrown him to get confused with power and wealth. His greediness extended to his circle of family (Rajapaksas). Today the country’s economic status had declined with insufficient dollar FOREX. An example of cognitive impairment, judgement, and personality change of the Rajapaksas could be given during the war against the Tamils between 2005 – 2009. The three-armed forces of SL carried out intensive killing and killing of child soldiers under the age of 18. Whereas the current president HE Ranil Wickramasinghe exhibited his political maturity through his tactical approach and diplomatic move by implementing the Cease Fire Agreement (CFA) in 2002.

Root Cause of the bribery Performance.

A practice prevails in SL where the votes are purchased through mediators for the candidates. Politicians stress that they must earn the money spent for election (collaterals) only through bribery and corrupt practices. Politicians are to serve citizens and ensure they make the country grow rich in science, technology, and economics. Unfortunately, this is absent in SL. No one is interested in SL’s growth but assumes that SL can borrow money from IMF and countries that can afford to help. The main reason could be attributed to most politicians being inflicted with cognitive impairment and or cognitive deficit. Could this be the reason for inadequate knowledge and intelligence? Central Bank had significant interference by portfolios ordering the luxury purchases of what they needed irrespective of the FOREX position. The good act by RW is appointing a true Governor to the Central Bank. The current CB Governor is quite meticulous and watchful in directing and governing the management of cash flows.  

Quote: Cognitive ability, sometimes referred to as general intelligence (g), is essential for human adaptation and survival. It includes the capacity to “reason, plan, solve problems, think abstractly, comprehend complex ideas, learn quickly, and learn from experience” (Plomin, 1999).

Further Syllogistic reasoning should be practised by Sri Lankan politicians.

Current Political state and Politicians

The Sri Lankan government has no ceiling on educational qualifications for members of parliamentary seat-seeking candidates. Approximately 90 MPs are not qualified to GCE (O) Level in 2022. This is equivalent to year 10 in Australia. This is an acute shortfall in the entire forum where the members cannot think or understand intelligent conversations in the parliament. Bills, amendments, and planning may be directed in the negative direction with this forum. A solution is to introduce a Senate in the governance network. The constitution shall be amended to establish a SENATE with Senators to have a minimum qualification of the first degree in law, politics, or social sciences. The rest is self-explanatory.

The current Mayor of Jaffna Municipal Council Mr. Manivannan should be considered a role model for politicians in Sri Lanka among the Tamil community. May be Mr. Manivannan shall be the next Chief Minister of the NPC. He has an aptitude for politics. He is quite tactical in his approach and diplomatic in his dealings with the community. People in the North shall seriously consider this option.

Comments about Sri Lanka:

Non-payment of electricity bills or any major corporation’s bill is the same as informal micro-enterprises. CEB should be appreciated for having disconnected consumers for not having to pay their bills.

Power Problems

As Tamils think, a separate country called “Tamil Eelam” is not feasible. This is based on Human and natural resources. The only possible option is the Provincial Council option like that of Cantons in Swiss. The councils may be empowered with Police, land, and judiciary powers for the region. North and East shall be merged, and the number of PCs shall be reduced to four or five only.

With Tamils taking boats it cannot be stressed that they will develop the region. Tamils have an eagerness to have everything free and do little, light work. Jaffna is a lagoon-like a region, consisting of several islands. History will prove the development completed by Kings like Parackrama Bahu and the rowdy “Sangilian”.

All aged politicians shall be recommended to leave politics and bring in young ones like His Worship Mayor Manivannan. Maybe the aged ones could function as advisers if they have the knowledge and capability.

At this stage, all politicians shall give their support to the President, and not shout and snap like animals to grab power. Do they have the brains to run an empty country? People should not expect “magic”, but rather wait for the country to grow. Do not promote begging.

29th November 2022

May Lord bless SriLanka with prosperity, opulence, richness,

fortune and wealth in the forthcoming year 2023 onwards.








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