Jul 31, 2022


Mahinda-Gotabaya-Ranil Conspiracy

Kanthar Balanathan

The recent resignation of Mahinda Rajapaksa and the appointment of Ranil as the PM of Sri Lanka are Presumed to be behind a subterranean conspiracy. This may be damaging to the economy of Sri Lanka in the long run. This presumption is based on the political characters who hold the key role in the parliament. By now the people who plea themselves as the majority (Sinhalese) should have digested the feature/value of excellence their politicians inherit. The people should now know the honesty and integrity of their politicians.

The writer has based his arguments and conclusions on the history of the last 50 to 60 years. The writer knows their politicians and their education, competency, bribery, honesty, and corrupt practices for the last 50-60 years. The writer’s father was a Police Officer (Law & Order) and he had inherited a significant volume of erroneous functions on dishonesty within the Police Department. Ministerial interference in law & order affairs by the ministers and their associates was quite common.

Economic Collapse

Since 1948 the country was ruled by the Sinhalese who pronounced and justified that they are the majority in Sri Lanka (SL) and the democracy decree is “rule by the majority”. Today we can see how the country has gone down to stray dogs. The way Sinhalese governance was seen as a Jihad, a Fundamentalist way of governing. The Sinhalese vision was to force multi-dimensional oppression and discrimination on the Tamils and detach the Tamils from governance. There were two major political parties in SL. (i) SLFP, (2) UNP. Both parties have the same vision, however, their mission is different. Both parties have the vision of making SL a fundamental Buddhist and Sinhala only country. Tamils who opposed were eliminated by a different method. Srimavo joined with LSSP and pushed them out of politics by using the tactics of demonetising the currency in the 70s. To maintain the Sinhalese majority, the government disfranchised one million Tamils in 1949. The second act was to destroy the Tamil heritage historical books by burning the Jaffna Public Library. They went on bombing Tamils all around the North and East to maintain dominance in their political activities.

The economy of SL started to decay probably in the 50s and 2004 after the Tsunami catastrophe. In other words, the economy started to dwindle after Mahinda Rajapaksa entered into power politics. Mahinda Rajapaksa is a money/wealth greedy politician. He has accrued a substantial amount of wealth within eighteen years and distributed it within his circle overseas in Benami’s name(s). Here we have to bring the culture of wealthy greedy people of the world.

Between September 1959 and March 1960, an MP W. Dahanayake was sworn in as the Prime minister on the death of SWRD Bandaranaike. Dahanayake came to the parliament wearing only underwear to expose that Sri Lanka is going down on economic collapse. This was in 1959. Then when Srimavo assumed power in July 1960 the economy was on the decline. When Srimavo was re-elected in 1970 she took some austerity measures to restrain the forex issues. However, like the character of Wolves and Hyenas, she also interfered with contracts. Srimavo was responsible for the killing of several tens of thousands of JVP youngsters in the 1971 insurrection. She was stripped from citizenship by JR Jayawardene. I remember the days we grew Cassava in our backyard and licked Palm Candy with tea in the 70s.

The worst act she did commit is the killing of JVP youths. She was not born to a true Sinhala family. Please read: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sirimavo_Bandaranaike



If he becomes a billionaire like Bill Gates or Ambani, a hard-working able person cannot be considered a corrupt person. However, a person who entered politics and becomes a billionaire is corrupt. The power associated with their political portfolio will protect them.

In the third world, democracy cannot be construed as ideal democracy. The elections conducted are not free from corrupt practices. Mainly collateral is a prerequisite form in Sri Lankan elections and they justify their corrupt practice. The money that they spend for the election is accrued while they are in power. Therefore, the people are also at fault for the economic deterioration. People do not understand “Supply & Demand”. No understanding of imports and exports. Working hard may not be a prerequisite. However, working effectively and efficiently is important for a growing country.

Hence “Knowledge is Power”



Financial Mess



Sri Lankan Imbecilic Politician’s attempt at a make-believe solution

Engr. Kanthar Balanathan


Speculation in the media is that the Sri Lankan parliament's uneducated comedian politicians are attempting to form a national government, with Ranil Wickremasinghe as the PM and three MPs from the TNA as ministers. Fundamentally right from Gotabaya Rajapaksa down to the finance minister do not understand economics and Financial Management. More than fifty per cent of the MPs have not even qualified for the tenth standard. GCE (O) level.

Ajith Nivard Cabraal is a qualified Chartered Accountant and the Sri Lankan government should leave Cabraal to function to his ability and the economic fools (Basil R) and his followers shall not interfere with the Governor of the Central Bank. First of all, Basil should study what “Inflation” means. Maybe Cabraal’s attempt will reduce inflation. Basil should attempt to organise the Tax department to receive taxes, rather than printing paper money and give an increased exchange to the people in SL. Can he control the economy of SL by doing this? Increase the export, fools. Study the monetary and economic network.

What is planned now by the comedians is to replace the government with a new team headed by RW to free themselves, (avoid) confrontation with the citizens for financial crime and put the blame on Ranil Wickremasinghe for the 20 billion Central Bank fraud for which RW was not responsible. It is requested that RW should be quite careful with the financial criminals.

The truth is that the politicians in Sri Lanka do not focus on forwarding planning, analysing the expenditure, exercise budgetary control.

During Mahinda’s period, he did a significant volume of development work on infrastructure and electricity with no basic knowledge of development and an absence of communication and teamwork. Most of all bush areas were given electricity with people not getting electricity because of lack of funds in their coffer. The lines were lightly loaded. An increase in load connection and industrial development on collateral has increased the load demand. Did the government install a generating unit in the Port City area? 

Does the Electricity Board have a System Planning division to study the “Load Growth” and plan generation capacity to meet the demand? Did MR communicate with the CEB on System Planning or did he not understand System Planning? Today, the country is suffering from high load and short of generating capacity, with needs to isolate some sections of the country. High-Capacity Factor. Will the politicians understand load factor, capacity factor, utility factor etc? Today the generating plants are operating to full capacity with a high risk of unit tripping. (Load shed) The world will laugh and ridicule the Sri Lankan politicians.

Sambanthar is a fool and does not understand economics or politics. He cannot stand vertical and shall retire and go to bed.

Firstly, the people must sack the Malakian Rajapaksas. Between 2005 to 2010 the Rajapaksa family and extended family were occupying the chair of heads of state, corporations Boards etc. The entire group ripped the country. E.g., Air Lanka. Gotabaya Rajapaksa shall be removed from the President’s chair and RW shall be appointed as the President. The entire cabinet must be removed and the parliament shall have new MPs.

The two Rajapaksas GR & BR(25%) are not citizens of SL and inherit no patriotic values, however, have one thing in common, accumulate wealth from the SL coffer. A minister sometime back wanted to make cigarettes out of cinnamon. Similar idiotic thoughts are born in the politicians’ minds.

People must identify the root cause of the Sri Lankan problem. It's all because of the Collateral investment right from BMICH construction and 2004. Further the Hambantota, Port City, Airport and the kickbacks. The SL government have to pay the debt periodically and to divert attention they are creating bull shit economic stories. The Rajapaksas know that the Sinhalese fools in the South could be fooled by shouting the names “Hela Rajapaksas”. Never in the history of SL, the country has gone down to this level.

Sri Lanka was and is inhibited by the Tamils, Sinhalese, and Muslims. Not Malakian. Malakian came into the country much later. The citizens of SL do not want Malakian to govern them.

Today the country is begging the Tamil and Sinhala diaspora for funds to be transferred to SL. Well, then the Diaspora should govern the country, Are we correct??




25th April 2022

Dear Professor

I took the opportunity to watch your interview in Lankasri wherein the analysis you gave to the people on the current economic disintegration and the vision and mission that should be decided for the future. Your explanation was crystal clear and excellent.

Please read my article on the 74years of oppression, discrimination and the murders committed by the Sinhala murderers, abandoning the economic equilibrium of the imports and exports and the economy of SL. The Sinhala government had the vision and mission prepared secretly through the Buddhist Maha Sanga of Sri Lanka to establish an ethnoreligiously unified by a common religious and ethnic background establishing their Fundamentalist concept.


Sir, I appreciate your thoughts on the analysis and the vision and mission for future administration for Sri Lanka and comparing Vietnam and her progress, I have some reservations about your analysis, please. I hope you will appreciate my thoughts.


I am 79 years of age. I was responsible for the coordination of the NAM conducted in Harare, Zimbabwe in October 1986. V.Prabakaran and Anton Balasngham gave me full authority to organise the NAM campaign and with some foreigners, as our Tamils in Harare refused to participate in the campaign being scared for their safety. I was successful as Rajiv Gandhi walked into placing a solution. I was entrusted with the political campaign in Africa including SA.


I studied Economics, Finance and reliability engineering and have Post Graduate certificate qualifications. Sri Lankan government focussed their concentration on Tamils and their advancement only giving up their financial and economic sustainability. I wrote a  letter to Professor Ricardo Hausmann on the economic malpractices in Sri Lanka to which he replied and the paper was published in Academia. The economic downfall in SL was due to the multidimensional incompetency of our politicians. How many of our politicians have their “O” level. Apart from a few who have their PhD, I do not consider them as competent.


I could have done my PhD, which I was invited to do, but I could not cos of finance. So I worked and financed my children to get their PhD. My son has a top job with an American company and my daughter is a surgeon and my DIL has a PhD in cancer science.


தமிழில் சொல்வதென்றால் தலையை விட்டு வாலைப் பிடிப்பது. The Sinhala government was practising this concept for the last 74 years, wherein they were focussing on Tamils’ destruction and oppression. Please read my letter to Prof Ricardo Hausseman where I have explained the shortfalls of our ministers and the economic mismanagement.


GOSL has High Commissioners and Ambassadors. Do they do their function? The office has Trade ministers in their high commissions. What they do is spy on Tamil Diaspora. I know this as I did spy on them fools. An army guy like Gotha: does he understand economics, technology, technology etc. I asked him (Gotha) via my letter why the Port City is important, apart from converting Anuradhapura into a “Digital Technology” city. The guys did not understand the “Debt-Trap”; ( Harbour)

Our Tamil’s responsibility now in this current situation is not to provide the Sinhala idiots with a solution, but to seek a permanent solution for the Tamil’s independence. I know that it is not kind enough to punish the Sinhalas, however, think of the past when more than a hundred thousand Tamils were slaughtered and killed including child soldiers. Tamils displaced, lands taken.

Today, SL has no “Soap” and “Box of matches”. Maybe people have to get back to the iron age where they have to make fire by hitting stones.

Replacing the government ministers will not solve the issues. Getting IMF loans will not solve the issues. Getting loans from countries will not solve the issues.  The entire Rajapaksas should leave and some new blood should come in. Permanent economic sustainability formulas and operations should be formulated and those should be constitutionalised.

Tamils should get their autonomous state called Tamil Eelam. The young students from Jaffna University who have done Economics, Finance, Agriculture, and management should be encouraged to enter politics. People like Sambanthar, Mavai Senathirajah etc are incompetent to be in politics. I have followed  Jaffna Uni and have much regard for the academics and the young qualifying graduates.

Sir as a Professor, please campaign every Tamil in the N&E to utilise their backyards for vegetation. Eggplant, Kasava, Chillies and whatever that can grow.

Professor Sivakumar Subramanium is doing top research on water management and sustainability for the North & E. Sir, please engage yourself in promoting “Economics” into the minds of our Tamil population in the N&E. Both. Macroeconomics and microeconomics. And, as consumption, distribution, exchange, production and public finance.

Please contribute your portion on economic learning and practice to the Tamils. You could organise a newsletter (Tamils). Your faculty could organise monthly newsletters for the students and news media (paper).

Every Tamil should understand the theory and practice of economics, irrespective of their occupation and profession.

My qualification is: I am a Control and Electronics engineer, with added qualifications.

The appreciation of the academic and practical training and the experience thereon makes one competent.

Additional topics:

Opportunity Cost and/or Cost-Benefit Analysis

Tamil politicians could have advocated the development of water resources for the region since independence. The Thondaimannar and Vallai lagoon area was empty. The sluice gate built in Thondaimannar was with some intent. Tamil politicians could have focussed on agrarian, fishing, Palmyra, and cottage industrial services in the North. Of course with a University, degrees could have been designed to the needs of the province. A reservoir could have been built in the Vali region as the area covers a significantly large catchment area. Of course, right from SJV to Sambanthar, politicians are advocating for power-sharing.


The Sri Lankan Accountants, engineers and economists should dig deep into various economic and accounting theories and analyze the “Role of Opportunity Cost in Financial Decision Making”.


The analysis should be a qualitative and quantitative study detailing the costs, benefits (tangible and intangible), plus risks associated with the project. Quantify the risks associated with the project during and after.


People need to know the qualitative and quantitative benefits of future development.

An example of the west operating pattern: In developed countries, major projects if planned, are placed before the public to study and make comments, either through the City Councils or the MP. The public is allowed to study the proposals, and feasibility reports and submit constructive criticism.



Thank you

 Kind Regards


Kanthar Balanathan


Mind, Science, Intelligence & Perception

Kanthar P Balanathan   


I rummaged through my library, and I found this folder that had my collection of articles on, “The Mind”, which I collected since the 1980s and my brother’s book on Biology. I always wanted to treasure these collections as they are of value to transpire the true nature of myself and humans in general.


I made notes during my visit to my brother’s research laboratory at his university. My late brother who was a professor explained one of his research experiments on the brain activities of a moth, with an electrode dipped into its brain cell. The moth responded distinctively to green colour than to other colours, and the response was clearly seen on a computer with waveforms. This is when my mind unfolded an appetence to enhance my knowledge of, the human brain, mind, neurophysiology, mechanistic and non-mechanistic science, and consciousness.

I believe that I demonstrate my true nature based on the intelligence and perception of my neural network. The differentials in thoughts and the like are due to the differential knowledge, that humans inherit genetically, intellectually, socially, and culturally. My contention is, that “Knowledge is power”, and a high intellectual level is attained by perceiving via self-motivated creative thinking and understanding of pure reasoning.


The human body is a biological machine consisting of five sensory systems plus the sixth sense known as “Perception”. The biological machine is manipulated physically and intellectually by the human brain. Intelligence is defined as “understanding with pure reasoning”. Eye vision is able to identify objects. The scientific elucidation of “light” is that they are visible waves of the “electromagnetic spectrum”. My belief and knowledge of the functions of the five plus one sense unravelled the truth of, “who am I and how I should live”.


I believe that neuron has to be the starting point referred to as the building block of the brain. Inputs to the brain through the five senses can only be interrogated or compared if there are set reference values. I was able to fortify this by reasoning out the differentials in language, culture, and behaviour of different groups. My apprehension about the transformation of scientific thoughts into philosophical thoughts to reach recent primitive humans made a clear way to digest the philosophical writings of leading writers. Although the primitive people had the sixth sense, the primitives were not able to trigger the process of “thoughts” and “reasoning” in the Stone Age.


In our day-to-day life, conflict among people seems to be a fact of life. Individuals with different people have different goals which result in conflict or dispute. The existence of conflicts or disputes is not a bad thing or harmful if it is resolved effectively. The effective result of resolution can lead to personal and professional growth. My belief in understanding with pure reasoning plays a pre-eminent function in the process.


It was a challenge for me to apprehend the human neural system and how I had been able to live like a one-eyed king in the land of the emotional blind. The day I left the land of the blind, I was able to realize who I am and how I should live in the scientific world.


Mahinda, Past Life


Mahinda Rajapaksa moved friendly with Anura Bandaranaike in the 70s and came to KKS Guest House frequently for his playboy events. Alfred Duraiyappa helped him with his requests. What this means is that Mahinda sucked and crawled into Anura’s අමුඩේ to achieve his political ambitions. This is exactly what Namal his son is doing now. Namal was caught in a hotel with three girls. How can Namal be a politician?

People should not trust Mahinda Rajapaksa because he is a character whom people should not trust. He managed to scoop the Tsunami funds. LTTE sent food, medicine, and clothes to the South when Mahinda robbed the Tsunami funds. Then he terrorised Chandrika Bandaranaike and became the President. He had a plan to progress in politics. He subsequently brought all his relatives to positions in politics. He got help from the foreign military to remove LTTE from the platform and now boasts that he killed all the LTTE. Rajapaksa did not eliminate the LTTE, but with the help of India’s military and foreign military, he was able to eliminate the LTTE. Now he is boasting that he eliminated the LTTE. The LTTE should not come into the picture now because the issue here is the people do not want Rajapaksas in government. Mahinda Rajapaksa is a bluffer. He knows how to bluff people. The entire SLPP crowds are bluffers and crooks.

On the 19th of July, it was a day for the SLPP and TNA to receive a bonus from UNP at SrIkotha. Now what they should do is retire and get out of the country and leave people to live in peace. The bribery and corruption are becoming blown up into Crores of money when people have no food and medicine. What a dirty country is SL? What a dirty human is Mahinda and Ranil. The piggish MR want to come back into politics with help of SLPP members who are nothing but crooks.

The word democracy has a different meaning in SL. The days are numbered with the outside world completely ignoring the needs of SL. How does SL propose to pay back the loans and bonds they owe to the rest of the world and who bought the Bonds? It is the people who will suffer not the politicians. Even now Wimal Weerawansa the top bluffer who has an IQ of 20 wants a portfolio. Mahinda and Namal are PLAYBOYS. It is learnt that Ranil is Gay having no family values. How will he understand the difficulties of families?

Gotabaya has been driven out by various countries, even US do not want him to come back. Why is SL accepting him? If Rajapaksas come into power the country of Sri Lanka will disappear.

People in politics should understand this and give the people a fair and peaceful living.

30th July 2022


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