Jan 21, 2022


Open Letter to Gotabaya Rajapaksa, President of SriLanka



Dear Mr. President of SriLanka,


Economic, Political and Cultural Benefits of a

Federal Structure for Sri Lanka


General Statement

Mr Gotabaya Rajapaksa: This communication is intended to clear the xenophobic and racial fear that has encased the Sinhala mind for the last 2181 years of the Tamils that they will swallow the Sinhala community in Sri Lanka. With this fear, the Sinhala community and the Dutugamunu descendants and the half caste Portuguese Sinhalas are either engaged in massacre, racial intimidation and murder using the state machinery in SL, who are supposed to be protecting the territory and not engage in a holocaust act of the civilians in 2009. This is similar to the Nazi Holocaust of the Jews. Jews got their Israel, and am sure Tamils will get their own country-Tamil Eelam in due course. Hitler and you may be compared to similar neurological disorder. You were not awarded a degree as President by Harvard, except got elected by the imbecilic Yakkas of the SriLankan populace.

It also explains that in a capitalistic economic competitive environment, Federal State governance is the best-suited administration which will self-motivate the citizens in states for competitive productivity and hence growth.

Chauvinism & Racism

It is noted that Sinhalas who have been trained in torturing and killing skills, however, with the help of the illiterate and xenophobic mind in the governing team are in the habit of lamenting and weeping that SL should not have decentralised administration, in the form of Provincial or federal state administration. Sarath Weerasekara is a typical example who may be suffering from mental retardation/deficiency and dementia. The reason for this statement is that these people are xenophobic and have an ethnic hatred with no reason but inborn in their mind. Weerasekara’s are famous for ethnic hatred, racial intimidation, which, I believe is a personality disorder.

Former Xenophobic King

Quote Ref: Wikimedia; Dutugamunu born in the Tissamaharama, Hambanthota area reined the Ruhunu rata from 161 – 137 BCE. Ellalan, a Tamil king who ruled Rajarata was defeated in 161 BCE. This generated the xenophobic attitude against the Tamils. Each origin is from India. Ellalan reigned Rajarata from 235 BCE to 161 BCE while Dutugamunu was from 161 BCE to 137 BCE. Ellalan was an aged king while Dutugamunu was a young Yakka.

Therefore, the main reason for the struggle is thought to be POWER, language and religion. In general, people in the Ruhunu area are saturated with ethnic hatred in their mind. It is to be noted that the Rajapaksas are from Hambantota, the Ruhunu area. Except the Mahinda Rajapaksa married a Burger woman, which has a different status in their family. Mahinda Rajapaksa was able to move into politics with the association and help of Anura Bandaranaike. Mahinda, a low country Sinhalese becomes a friend of Anura, an upcountry Sinhalese. Low country Sinhalese are emblazoned as lower-class Sinhalese compared to the upcountry Sinhalese.

A park in Colombo was named after Dutugamunu’ s mother’s name “Vihara Mahadevi”. This is typical racism by the SLFP government. There have been so many racial acts the Sinhala government has done to persecute and torment the Tamils across the island.

The racial killing accomplished by Dutugamunu continues for the last 2181 years by his low country governing followers till 2020. The reason the low country Sinhalas cannot understand and perceive is that the Dutugamunu ancestry came from India and they were Hindus, the same as Ellalan. For the Sinhala, in SL, power language and Buddhism are more important and think that only Sinhala and Buddhism should prevail and be practised in SL. In the 21st century, this is not the practice that democracy preaches. Majority of the Sinhala are illiterates and a significant number of parliamentarians do not possess a GCE Ordinary level certificate. Majority of the Sinhala parliamentarians have a low perception level. They cannot understand English, for that matter engage in any intelligent conversation. Sinhala politicians enjoy bribery, drug trafficking, corruption and sex. They enjoy physical fights. During the last regime, some member of the opposition party members carried knives to attack Ranil’s party members inside the parliament.

During an opening of a lake in the North in December 2020, a board was placed Written in Sinhala only to hurt the Tamils in the area. This does not reflect kindness and multicultural practice by the current government. Afterall Sinhala language is a bush language spoken in SL only. The Sinhala alphabets are a copycat of the Andra/ Karnataka scripts anyway. The Sinhalas are inventing words in the 21st century.

Capitalism Vs Communism:

In a capitalistic environment, competition is the grass root for measurement of survival, growth and GDP. Inherent capability, reliability, in-house knowledge, flexibility, innovation, self-motivation are factors that determine the effectiveness of the social environment. SriLanka in the early centuries and even after independence was a meagre country with knowledge and expertise, and the politicians had to preach socialism and communism to capture power as the people were soaked in illiteracy and deprived of technical and economic knowledge. Imbecilic Sinhalas thoughts were a socialistic/Communist government will provide everything free to the people. Sinhalas always say, “අපේ ආණ්ඩුව. Tamils before independence had the blessing to educate and become experts, and a few of the Sinhalas went to the UK and returned with a degree. The majority, therefore, were illiterates and the Communist sector took the advantage to influence them to follow socialist policies. The comparison in the social sector made the Sinhalas to be envious, covetous and suspicious about the Tamils. The only weapon the Sinhalas had was the democratic government which is majority rule and power was vested in them.

Although democracy advocates majority rule and minority rights, the viewpoint of democracy cannot be applied to a nation which had Tamils ruling the country which transformed into a Sinhala rule after Vijaya forced into Ceylon 500 BC. All that the Sinhalas did was by force of military with weapons. Before Vijaya forcibly entering the island of Ceylon, Tamils were ruling the island.

The drawback in the Tamil race

The main drawback in this theory is that the Tamils were not united and had several weaknesses, such as mainly the caste system. Lower caste Tamils were oppressed and suppressed sharply and extremely by the Elite Tamils. Lower caste Tamils were shy to study/speak English language and were against people who spoke English. This was a factor for their downfall. Leading experts have published books on the caste system and how it gave birth within the Tamil race and in India. Of course, the Sinhalas had such caste system, however, the politicians fooled them to focus on Tamils as their common enemy, which made the Sinhalas to unite as a powerful force against the Tamils in Ceylon. However, the foolish Tamils did not understand this act but continued to discriminate the lower caste Tamils which drove wedges in the race. Examples are: DSS who had only 5th standard education highlighted the downfall of the Sinhalas if the Indian labour was to be left as Ceylonese. This was continued by the followers and is continuing for the last 2181 years since the Dutugamunu epoch. Democracy had severe bad effects on the Tamils crushing and perishing them from all rights and Human Rights. Dutugamunu mother’s name was chosen to the main park in Colombo, Gamunu regiment was created in the army. However, GOSL fears to establish anything to do with LTTE/Prabakaran. Why is this nervous, cowardly and timid character of some politician and the GOSL?

LTTE a forceful liberation group had to fight against more than thirty+ Tamil groups plus the military for them to survive. That was the situation of the imbecilic Tamils. Do you think your SriLankan military could have fought against 30 + LTTE powerful force?

What SL did was to govern the country under hidden communism, however, boast as a socialistic environment. How can the military murder hundreds of thousands of Tamils under the name of protecting sovereignty if they were commanded by a socialistic government? It is a clear-cut imbecilic act.

Tamils were a significant minority and were the historical majority at one time and 70 million Tamils live just 22 km across Palk strait. Relatively Tamils are an educated lot and an atomic energy scientist worked in the UK named Kandiah. As time goes by the power in all the field of the environment owned by the Tamils increased. Tamils occupy executive and directing chairs all over the world, IT experts, scientists, engineers, doctors, and medical specialists and also have become politicians who serve western nations, own billion-dollar businesses etc. Total Tamil population in the world is estimated to be around one hundred million. In SL the GOSL being the self-owner of the power vested in them started to oppress and discriminate the Tamils and hence were a hindrance to Tamils growth. Any wealthy Tamil who is prepared to invest in the Sinhala area is welcome but not otherwise.

For a country to grow, administration and governance should be decentralised to have autonomous decision making for quick action for development and growth. Promoting competition via state administration in the third world is honest & objective deal. SriLankan governance, if decentralised will make the island grow autocue as the writer is aware that the Tamils are champs of innovation and creativity, and can invent and create to suit local conditions using local resources. If the Sri Lankan politicians are intelligent and clever champions, then they should decentralise the island into four states (Nuwara-Ruhunu-Rajarata-Yarl/Vanni)plus the capital territory. Whatever it is, several countries have decentralised their one main state into several states and in some case different countries. Therefore, the damn Sinhala hooligans shall not shout, scream and boast about the decentralised governance. A few years ago, Telangana state was created dividing Andra into two states. In Nigeria, the Oyo state was divided into two states; Oyo and Oshun. South Sudan was created as a separate republic and several other countries.

In the western world and even in Africa decentralised governance had made them grow. Murderers like Sarath Weerasekara (SW) being a military staff, cannot understand governance. He should be sent to study political science to a western university if they will admit him. Sinhalas cling onto “Dutugamunu” and it is not clear when they talk of reconciliation. Some talk of Accountability with a lack of understanding of the term. Accountability applies to specially government and the portfolio holders. In SL accountability is an unknown term for the politicians in Sri Lanka.

Quote Excerpts Ref; Elliot Bulmer; Federalism International IDEA Constitution-Building Primer 12--Email: info@idea.int. International IDEA Stromsburg SE–103 34 Stockholm Sweden Telephone: +46 8 69837 00 Email: info@idea.int Website: <http://www.idea.net>

Federalism is a means of ensuring peace, stability and mutual accommodation in countries that have territorially concentrated differences of identity, ethnicity, religion or language. Federalism, especially in large or diverse countries, can also improve service delivery and democratic resilience, ensure decisions are made at the most appropriate level, protect against the over-concentration of power and resources, and create more opportunities for democratic participation.

Federalism is a system of government that establishes a constitutionally specified division of powers between different levels of government. There are usually two main levels: (a) a national, central or federal level; and (b) a state, provincial or regional level. In some cases, however, a federal system may prescribe a three-fold distribution of power by recognizing the constitutional powers of local government (e.g., South Africa) or by creating complex forms of overlapping territorial and linguistic federalism (e.g. Belgium). Federalism thereby allows distinct communities, defined by their territorial boundaries, to exercise guarantee”.


Very soon the Muslims in Sri Lanka may take up arms as a result of the unnecessary intimidation by the Buddhist clown Gnanasara Thero and SW and may lead to Islamic victory.

It is high time for you and your student comedian MPs enact and pave the way for a Federal Structure for SriLanka to grow. It is a challenge from the Tamil quarters. Please also read my letter to Professor Ricardo Hausmann, Director of the Centre for International Development at Harvard University ref: https://nrnmind.blogspot.com/2016/07/28-th-january-2016-professorricardo.html




Engr. Kanthar Balanathan, Australia

DipEE (UK), GradCert Rel-Eng-Monash, Dip Bus& Adm (Finance-Massey), CEng. MIEE


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